How many times have you heard “but the pendulum has swung too far!” in relation to the BioPsychoSocial (BPS) model?


Many people have voiced their concern that we are now forgetting the biological/biomechanical side, or the B in BPS, of things. Others have suggested that there is still way to much biological/mechanical thinking if you look at information on posture etc being presented to the public with regards to back pain or text neck.

It all matters!

In reality ALL OF THE COMPONENTS of the BPS model matter when dealing with people, it’s just that different components may matter more or less for different people in relation to their current problem. One of the greatest tools in the therapist arsenal is having a REASONING process and this is being able to determine which component is MOST important to be managed first and how much of the available time and effort is put into managing it.

It is quite possible the same person may need an emphasis on different components at different times during the rehab process and that this reasoning does not remain static. Someone who is fear avoidant of a certain position or movement may need help that is targeted towards the negative perceived outcome of a movement, we could call this psychological, than the actual effect of the movement itself on the tissue, more biological. As the rehabilitation process progresses then biological and even biomechanical aspects may become much more important. You certainly can’t talk tolerance into a tissue, but you may have to talk to them first to get to the physical bit!

Unfortunately reasoning does not seem a particularly sexy subject for many; could it simply be too much effort? Roger Kerry wrote a great blog on this *Click Here* This is not the first time I have wrote about this either!

Human beings tend to like things put into neat little boxes or groups. This person is all bio, this one is all psycho, then we can bundle them off to the appropriate treatment or person to sort it out. Simples.

Oooor….. not so simple!

What do Models teach us??

Modern models such as Melzack's nueromatix theory of pain certainly DON’T provide us with answers but they DO help us understand that these things are not so simple and that there are always multiple contributors to someone’s current state rather than just a singular signal from the tissue. The famous George Box quote tells us “All models are wrong but some are useful” and my friend Todd Hargrove wrote a great blog on the subject *Click Here*.

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Use that reasoning!

Perhaps the prevailing type of people that we see can cloud our reasoning? Our perceptions are influenced by our experiences, there is no way around this, and this could influence the overall weighting of importance that we place on the different elements of the BPS framework.

If you are involved mainly sports injury then you may see lots of acute muscle injuries that have a clear mechanism of injury and a well-defined recovery timeline. The biological aspect maybe the most prevalent and the major source of nociception is obviously, duh, the tissue and the damage that has occurred to it. For a therapist who deals with lots of postoperative patients, or the elderly, then simple increases in strength might work wonders.


If you are predominantly a therapist who sees runners then it might also be a similar scenario, you get a lot of runners who have simply run a bit too much, too soon and with a sharp spike in intensity. They may just need to manage their running program, and load to their tissues, a bit better and everything will be hunky dory! Although tissue-healing times might be a useful piece of information, why would they need hours of pain education on ion channels etc (not to say this is always the case)?

It could be however that a runner with an exercise compulsion, weight or stress management issues or heavy social involvement with exercise struggles to manage their load not through a lack of education but because of issues more weighted to the psychosocial factors. This may place much more of an emphasis on the psychological or social components of the BPS model that maybe contributing to someone’s pain.


If you work in a chronic pain clinic then you may spend a shit load of time talking about pain and it may influence your patients greatly, how much they can lift or spikes in their training program might not be of primary concern. Someone who works in the National Health Service in a traditionally poor area with people who are unemployed and depressed and under lots of social pressures might place a greater emphasis on stresses that these kind of situations put people under, and how they maybe able to help people manage some of them might form a greater part of the assessment and treatment process. Low socioeconomic status may affect general health, access to exercise facilities or the time someone can actually spend exercising so these factors may impact on the actual ability to do the bio part.

A 10 year history of lower back pain might also display a different weighting of the BPS components. If we use the evidence base this maybe much less about tissue tolerances and spinal curves and much more about someone’s perception of their capabilities, movement behaviours and expanding their levels of self-efficacy with regards to physical activity. However the involvement of an exercise program, the bio, may work wonders for their back pain, we just don't know exactly WHY yet.


The ability to reason is a really great tool, and one that is potentially underused. The ability to apply this reasoning to the person standing in front of us IS hard and potentially brain intensive but is also likely to give us the best results.

Summing up

  • Everything matters
  • Just in different proportions
  • This may change over time even in the same person
  • Models tell us things are complex and multifactorial
  • They don't give us answers
  • Our situations bias our views
  • Reasoning is the best tool we have


So this is the first blog on my updated site! I think the white background is much easier on the eyes!

With so much discussion and published research about making rehab more individual, patient centred, relevant and meaningful and this helping to improve the therapeutic relationships and outcome, I thought I would focus on one of the KEY things in this blog that I believe does that, GOAL SETTING! It is probably not quite as sexy as post about biomechanical stuff but equally as important.

If your not assessing your guessing is a pretty crapy term, as most of the time the assessments used can be pretty rubbish, but I don't think the rehab goals of someone are!

I mean how the hell are you meant to individualise care if you don’t know what the individual WANTS or NEEDS to do! Sometimes goals will be clearly defined, other times more digging is needed or maybe there is nothing specific, just being out of pain is enough. Like most things in rehab, goal setting probably exists on a spectrum from really simple goals to some exceptionally complex ones, but for some people finding out a bit more about what THEY want maybe a real big deal and can provide motivation, focus and direction. Ever had a patient or client who lacks those things??

Getting to people’s goals may not always happen through formal questioning but also in general interaction. This often happens with previous injury history where when formally asked someone forgets to tell you about the time they had their leg bitten off by a shark but casually drops it in during an exercise.

The traditional measures that are used during therapy often don’t capture either people’s goals or whether they are being achieved. This paper HERE found 27 individual goals that had NO relation to the traditional measures of pain, strength or ROM and this suggests that traditional clinical outcome measures might not be capturing whether treatment is meaningfully successful to the patient. This also asks the question of whether being pain free is enough for a successful outcome? We could remain pain free through avoiding the things we love to do but is this successful recovery? It is if you are only measuring pain!

Physical perspective

Any good physical programme should have an element of needs analysis that takes into consideration the demands of a desired activity and then how to achieve this through a rehab programme. For some, a basic exercise program may more than suffice, especially if currently sedentary, for others their needs maybe more specific with a clearly defined activity, sport or movement being problematic.

Effective individualised treatment can often be a blend of the more generic AND specific and this may also change at different stages of rehab. Would we suggest ACL rehab without change of direction or hamstring rehab without high speed running or eccentrics? These elements are both SPECIFIC to the needs of the sports that these types of injuries often occur in and are required for return to play. Potentially we view these types of injuries differently to more persistent pain where functionality often seems secondary to the pain itself and goals, such as return to play, are not so clearly defined. Goal setting like EVERYTHING, is not required for everybody. For a runner, goal setting might not be a necessary process, you would know that running is the goal and you may do a bunch of stuff ranging from more general strength work to more specific running technique stuff.

Something as basic as load tolerance is probably reasonably specific to the movement and the WAY it is being performed, think spinal flexion and back pain, and this might be very important to someone who struggles to pick up their kids or put on their socks, which could actually be their goals and signify recovery far more than just having no pain. We could take a graded approach to building tolerance and confidence or instead look to avoid bending, both could reduce pain but only a former approach might reduce disability, restore function and reduce fear. Advice to avoid things like bending and twisting could be unfounded with populations who do lots of bending and twisting of the lumbar spine not showing a greater prevalence of degeneration in their lumbar spines HERE.

All of these variables might relate to and be slightly different for specific physical aspects of rehab with relation to individually identified goals.

• Loads
• Positions
• Speeds/force
• Environment
• Time
• Objects

Psychosocial perspective

We also have to remember the physical stuff is only part of the process, if exercises do not GET DONE in the first place it becomes a redundant element, however evidence based. As we don’t know quite HOW exactly treatment works for many people and a fair proportion may still not be specific to the physical bit any way, some time spent finding out and then relating your exercise program to specific goals, in action OR explanation, is probably a worthwhile endeavour. This recent paper found that goal setting was an effective way to increase adherence to exercise programs HERE but with the caveat that more data is required. This paper HERE also showed an increased adherence with goal setting.

If we view this from a psychosocial perspective; someone may feel better or more inclined to do something that ACTUALLY relates to his or her individual goals. Personalising treatment, through patient centred care, has been shown to be a feature of therapist and patient interactions that enhance treatment outcomes HERE & HERE. Goals often also indicate people’s preferences and taking patient preferences into account has also been shown to positively affect outcomes.

With one of the key prognostic factors to recover being someone’s PREDICTED EXPECTATION of recovery HERE, anything that relates to improving expectation is likely to all also improve treatment outcomes. I would argue clearly defining individual treatment goals and creating a mutually agreed road map to recovery would positively influence the outcome. This might also influence both self-efficacy, through the planning to achieve the goal, and creating an internal locus of control, two things that are more than likely vital for successfully achieving a rehab program. This paper HERE found goal setting linked to both self efficacy and performance.

A simple clear explanation of why you are doing what you are doing and how it will help their goals will probably improve someone’s perception of your rehab choices even if the intervention is quite general in nature.

Question time

Firstly we need to find out WHAT their goals might be and we might ask question such as:

• What specifically do you feel your problem stops you from doing that you really enjoy?

• Is there anything in your normal everyday life that pain stops you from doing? How does that make you feel?

• Are there activities that you specifically avoid?

• What WOULD you do if pain was not an issue?

Tools such as the patient specific functional scale HERE can be good ways to more formally identify AND quantify goals.


After a goal has been identified, the use of a SMART approach to goal setting may also help to refine the goal then monitor the process of achieving it.


Keep it narrow and clearly defined. Goals that are too broad will be hard to measure and achieve.


How do you know you have got there? This could be by using a scale such as a VAS or a simple binary yes or no for whether you have achieved the goal set out.


Goals should be smaller rather than larger or can be broken up into a larger overall goal and smaller goals that can be achieved over shorter term.

So the small goals may change over time whilst a larger goal maybe the summation of many smaller goals.

Activation of the dopamine reward system as small goals are achieved may create a ‘feel good’ factor that keeps people motivated.


Goals could be unrealistic and therefore unachievable. The people who tend to get the best results from therapy have realistic goals. These can be managed and negotiated between therapist and patient HERE.


It is important we set a time frame to achieve goals in. This makes it trackable and influences accountability on a week by week basis.

Go on! Give it a go.

Whilst Exercise CAN be a wonderful tool to use during the rehab process we must remember it is not a stick on, we can’t just fire and forget or plug and play and for every success there are also failures. There just is not such a thing as a magic bullet in rehab.

Sorry about dat!

Before we get to the analogy stuff we might want to first ask WHY we might want to help people understand what is happening to their bodies and how ANALOGY can help with that?

In some cases it can be much more about HOW we do things rather than WHAT we actually do.



For all the studies we have extolling the virtues of exercise, although make sure you consider the effects sizes, an important question to ask is how generalisable are they to the real world? If I was being all sciencey and shit we could term this the external validity of a study.

Why might these studies lack external validity? In the tightly controlled world of the scientific study participants probably tend to adhere a little bit more to the protocol laid out than they do on their own, otherwise studies would never get finished. Researchers can also employ things like intention to treat analysis (ITT) that are designed to scientifically smooth out things like dropouts and missing data.

Out in the real world when we throw in the complications of life, exercises, however evidence based, in some cases can tend to fall by the wayside. This is a problem with human beings they don’t always just fit neatly into EBM boxes. In fact they can render all the science a touch redundant through things like their beliefs, preferences and lifestyles.

Differences in the definition of adherence used, measurement and estimative of how many patients do not comply with their prescribed exercises vary, but evidence converge on a figure of 50% or higher”  *HERE*

We can all agree that that is a pretty high percentage of shit that is not getting done! What we CAN say is exercise is likely to infer some benefits IF IT GETS DONE! SO how do we go about doing that? And that of course is the $1 million question!



This is an awesome piece of research that looks at barriers to people adhering to therapeutic exercise programs *HERE* . One of the major reasons that people don’t adhere, or a much better term to use, commit, to exercises or exercise programs when they have pain is the fear of INCREASING that pain

Here is a slide from my recent presentation at the San Diego pain summit.

Now this is completely understandable. Our fears drive our behaviours, so if I am scared of making the problem worse that may drive me to, well, simply not do it. It may then be key to help people make sense of what they feel and how they can manage that.

For a lot of people the science of both pain and exercise are pretty alien subjects. What’s the difference between exercise induced discomfort and actual pain? For someone who has never experienced the former then perhaps not a lot! I have been pretty sore from training before and found some activities really quite painful.

The likelihood of getting some DOMS from prescribed exercises for someone with no real history of exercise and a low ‘zone of homeostasis’ could be pretty high, so it is vital we can put these sensations into perspective, allay fears and help people to SELF manage their rehab.

A useful phrase I picked up a long time ago is “go to the P in Pain not the Y in Agony” which is a really nice way to say go into some discomfort, which of course is normal, but try to avoid rip roaring pain. We still don’t know if painful exercise is actually bad for outcomes but certainly it may dissuade someone from carrying on with it.

Things can and will go wrong and set backs are normal. These setbacks can be influenced by a whole bunch of factors including stress and lifestyle that can negatively affect recovery, and no rehab plan will ever follow a linear upwards trajectory, especially if we are attempting to push the envelope and ‘vaccinate’ against future reoccurrences.

*HERE* we see psychological stress actually impairs recovery from exercise so we must be mindful of this. It may not be the intensity of the sensation that some struggle with but how LONG it goes on for. Desired adaptations such as strength might also be affected by stress too. *HERE*

Pain is often accompanied by worry and stress and could be both a cause and an effect of the current state of the individual. This is why we must be aware that our rehab programs carry the possibility that they could cause an adverse reaction in times of stress.



Equipping people with the knowledge to both understand AND address these factors is vital for self-efficacy, another key player in the COMMITMENT to a rehab program.

Analogy is a fantastic way of helping people understand subjects that they have very little background in and for many folk both pain and exercise fall neatly into this bracket. One of my favourite analogies for exercise discomfort AND pain is SUNBURN. The reason for this is it (hopefully) places the pain or discomfort into perspective and allows it to be seen as a temporary thing and one that can be easily modified.

Rather than viewing an exercise as simply being WRONG, a comparison to sunburn allows it to be viewed more as an issue with the dosage applied and the bodies response. We generally don’t see the sun as a BAD thing, of course some do but we could put that on the spectrum of fear avoidance! Most people will get sunburn at some point in their lives and just see it is a little bit to much of a GOOD thing!

So what do we do if we overdose on the sun? Generally just ALTER the dosage, simply get less sun the next day by sitting under the umbrella or covering up my burnt bits with a towel, we may have just tried to rush the natural adaptation.

The negative physical reaction is only temporary, often just like the pain triggered from overdosing on exercise, the angry red skin and spiky feeling when in the shower will of course go away if I just alter the dose and let nature run its course. What we do see if dosed correctly is a slow natural adaptation that leaves us positively glowing.

What do you usually do next after burning? Well just be more careful when re-exposing yourself. Spend less time in the sun or apply a higher factor. We don’t freak out, in fact often we berate ourselves for being stupid! We know this happens after all. We can do the same with our exercises, just take a little time off or reduce the amount we do before building up again.

Why might we overdose? Perhaps we have been previously been under dosed. Just like coming of a long sunless winter, not having exercised for while probably reduces the amount I can tolerate and hence potential adverse reactions. This may explain why just a few sets could leave me pretty sore.

If we have previously been good at a sport we tend to be able to play at a much higher intensity than perhaps we can CURRENTLY handle. In fact being good at something could actually be a risk factor for some! Our skill level may far out weigh our tolerance for the level of intensity we can play at. The same is true of tanning, we tend to remember the lazy long days at the END of a holiday applying Hawaiian tropic rather than the blotchy days at the beginning on factor 30.

Some people can exercise till the cows come home and never feel a thing, a bit like those really annoying people who go an amazing shade of brown by just looking at the sun! We maybe predisposed genetically to being LESS tolerant to physical activity. We see discussion of the role of genetics in sensitivity *HERE*

People with fair skin and red hair are often less tolerant of the sun by nature of their Celtic heritage and those of Mediterranean or African origin far better genetically equipped to handle a greater dosage of the sun.

Now no analogy is free from a negative misinterpretation. Whilst the sun could be seen as having dangerous consequences such as skin cancer from extreme overdosing we also see problems with under dosing such as depression from reduced serotonin. Like all things it has an OPTIMAL dosage, after all too much or little water or oxygen can also kill you too!

How can we alter the dosage?

  • Frequency – How often. More is not always better.
  • Intensity – How heavy or how fast.
  • Volume - How much. Sets, reps and rest.

Read more here about dosage *HERE*

Take Homes



  • People don't just fit neatly into science
  • Increasing pain is a real worry with rehab exercises
  • Arm people with information about what to expect and what they are feeling
  • Be smart in the first place – Less can be more.
  • Self management. Give them the tools to manage the dosage.
  • Give support. If it does go wrong to help people get back on track

Well, like most things in the world of health there is NEVER a simple answer! Although I am sure you have seen a few articles on social media proclaiming the 5 worst exercises EVER but lets bit a little more analytical.....

We probably have TWO questions here.

Firstly is there even such a thing as a BAD exercise? And is there such a thing as a BAD movement? I ask this second question because it can be suggested an exercise is bad because it takes us into a movement or range of movement (ROM) that is deemed bad.

Lets get after the first one first!

YES I think there is such a thing as a bad exercise! And there are a number of reasons why an exercise may qualify for the status of BAD. But, and it’s a big but, exercises on their own are generally not inherently bad, it’s more the application of those exercises to a specific person or scenario that could be BAD.

One of the major reasons is if the exercise selected has not been properly reasoned with the client or patient in mind. As humans we are driven by biases, conscious or subconscious, and this includes exercise too. Sure we all have our go to exercises we think are beneficial but if EVERYBODY gets the same program then perhaps the individual has not been properly considered.

We can always perform some mental gymnastics and say well EVERYBODY needs to be stronger, move in a specific way or needs to activate a specific muscle so a generic program can be justified, but with the myriad of different goals, injuries, functions and preferences that exist of I find it hard to believe that everyone should get the same exercises all the time.

Another biggie would be if an exercise were just down right dangerous. Balancing on a swiss ball with 100kgs overhead just does not seem particularly sensible to me. The risk reward equation does not really stack up here however ‘functional’ you believe it is. YouTube is littered with dangerous exercises and fails; you can have hours of fun!



I think we can sum up the BAD use of an exercise into three main categories:

BAD timing

Plyometric’s for a sensitive reactive tendinopathy might have a high potential to cause irritation and zig zag hops early in the rehab process for an ACLR both spring to mind. Both of these exercises might be necessary during rehab but the timing might be key.

An advanced balance exercise might be a BAD idea for someone with low movement confidence or HITT exercise for someone with very low fitness or contraindications but this does not simply make them BAD forms of exercise.

A BAD choice

Someone might just HATE a particular exercise and may not enjoy doing it or even want to do it. Both of these elements could affect the outcome through low compliance or lack of effort.

A BAD stimulus

An exercise might not be challenging enough or is far too challenging. Now, how much adaptation required for a positive outcome is up for debate but if the stimulus is just to low then you are not likely to get much, and this could be for either skill or strength. Equally the stimulus could be TOO much and cause irritation. Certain joint positions or ROM’s might also irritate particular injuries, so staying away from these when sensitive is probably a good idea.



If you BELIEVE an exercise to be inherently BAD then ask yourself, WHY is it bad?

Because some dude on the internet said so?

Because there is some specific data or link to high prevalence of injury?

Because I don’t like it?

We should always question our own beliefs the most. Often critical thinking is mainly reserved for other peoples beliefs though.



Lets have a look at the second example.

Is there such a thing as a BAD movement?

What a question! Now this is far to big a debate to get into in this short blog but certainly the idea of moving in the wrong way on a MINUTE level is not really supported by the available data.

If you took repeated measures of the SAME movement by the SAME person you would be likely to see subtle or even major differences in the way it is performed. The same is true when you look at two DIFFERENT people move, they in all likely hood will have very different strategies. So the same person will move differently each time and differently from someone else moving differently each time. This means it is pretty complicated shizzle!

What’s the wrong strategy? Who knows! Again if you believe it is bad ask yourself why, does it stand up to scrutiny?

As I said at the beginning it could be suggested an exercise is BAD because it takes us into a too much of a movement deemed to BE bad such as lumbar flexion or knee valgus. A crunch would be a good example of this line of thinking with the amount of lumbar flexion it involves and it has been suggested in some circles it would be best avoided.

Movement of course is only one small part of the equation however; we also have the force generated by how quickly we go through a movement or when an external load is added in. Now I am no biomechanical genius, far from it in fact, but essentially we could go to potentially ‘problematic’ joint ranges very slowly and pose much less danger to the tissue than if moving quickly, so it is not as simple as just the movement or ROM itself.

A question of timing?


Again it might all come down to a question of timing? Perhaps we could say that avoidance of a movement that is irritating in the short term COULD be a good thing.

Lets take the example of lumbar flexion, it is part of the rich tapestry of human movement available and somewhere most of us go quite regularly in our daily activities, so we probably WOULD want to get back to going there at some point and build up some tolerance. In the short term avoiding pissing off my back is smart but continuing to avoid flexion over the LONGER term could become an issue if I was to become sensitive, potentially physically and/or psychologically, to a normal movement under normal loads.

We could summarise this simply as the movement itself is not inherently BAD but in SOME contexts, such as when sensitive or under high loads, could be problematic.

Looking at kinematic data from serious injuries such as ACL ruptures highlights this. ACL ruptures tend to happen on a single leg, at high speed with a shallow angle of knee flexion and often the cherry on top is some knee valgus thrown in too!

So knee valgus on its own may not be as likely to be damaging in another context such as a squat or a lateral lunge for example. I don’t know the prevalence of ACL damage squatting but I doubt it is that high.

Please don’t read this as “Go into knee valgus with 200kg on your back it does not matter” as….well….I didn’t say that! The higher the load the greater the force, this highlights the two-sided nature of the movement & force equation. But still, most sports people don’t rupture their ACL in the weights room!



Another question is, is someone adapted to these types of movements? If you took a snapshot of Djokovic on the tennis court you might wince at the joint positions he gets into under really HIGH loads. A lesser player may get into SOME similar positions but the games are much less likely to be as intense or long.


Why does he not suffer constant knee injuries? Probably because he is well ADAPTED to these movements. The amount he loads into these positions could be PROTECTIVE as we are biological creatures NOT mechanical ones.

The same might be true of some dude in the gym who performs really shitty deadlifts. You have seen him too right? Well why is he not always injured? Maybe because by training them in “shitty” he has adapted to them. Could it be problematic at the same loads for a newbie? Who knows, but potentially the risk becomes greater.

So essentially it comes down to the APPROPRIATNESS of the movement/exercise to the person and their current state not the movement/exercise itself. Take away these movements and the ability to get into these joint positions and it maybe the difference between goodness and greatness!

Take homes


• Exercises can be BAD!
• Not inherently but in their application
• Could be bad timing, a bad choice or a bad stimulus
• If you believe it is bad ask yourself WHY?
• Is movement BAD is a big question!
• Movement is VARIABLE – So what is bad?
• Not just movement BUT also the FORCE generated.
• We may need to AVOID a movement sometimes
• A movement could be worse in some contexts
• Humans adapt and high loads COULD be protective in some movements

A question I often ponder is - "Do we really know the mechanisms behind how exercise might help with pain?" And the honest answer is I don't think we really do!

There is a whole bunch of stuff to consider and pontificate over but actual definitive answers appear to be scarce. We have tons of modern research and commentary on the psychology and neurobiology of pain but our ideas of how this applies to exercise seems to have remained fairly static.

Article at a glance.

  • We are mostly unsure of exactly HOW exercise can help for pain
  • Part or all of this may not be specific to physical factors
  • WHY people get better is not always clear when thinking critically
  • We can under consider the non specific effects of exercise
  • These include altering perceptions, locus of control, self efficacy and predicted expectations of outcome
  • Non specific effects CAN affect more specific physical effects
  • Your bias does NOT predict potential non specific effects
  • There are very REAL neurobiological effects from non specific aspects on pain
  • Collaboration, education and interaction may ALL help elicit non specific effects.

This paper HERE looks at whether exercise ACTUALLY helps, and it can, but HOW is a completely different question that is still mostly unclear.

Exercise in a therapeutic setting is still prescribed in very similar ways to how it is implemented in a non-therapeutic settings, in terms of sets & rep ranges, even though the therapeutic parameters or mechanisms of action maybe quite different and currently remain under explored. I have previously discussed the subject of dosing HERE.

I am increasingly drawn to the concept that a fair proportion of the effects of exercise may NOT be specifically physical in nature. We may not be able to attribute them solely to increasing range of movement, stability, strength, posture or whatever else we choose to measure and then attempt to effect. This article HERE explores some non specific effects.

What makes me think this? Well can we reliably, hand on heart, say that any of these things NEED to change for people to get better? Now before anybody gets their panties in a wad, like all things this probably lies on a spectrum. Some people may need and get a purely physical response, for others the benefit maybe entirely non physical. It is worth reminding ourselves that if we are truly thinking critically, reflecting on ones self being tough to do of course, that any measures that are taken post treatment do not automatically validate the potential deficit we targeted as being the sole cause of changes in how someone feels. ROM, strength or motor control all may be restored once pain subsides rather than being the actual CAUSE of the pain subsiding.

HERE we see a systematic review regarding lower back pain, with changes in strength, flexibility etc appearing to have little correlation with a successful outcome.

We see the same for many of the things that we can assess and measure.

Kinematics - HERE

Muscle firing - HERE

Range of movement - HERE

So why is this? Could it be that there are things that we don’t generally measure? Certainly we cannot really measure in day-to-day practice changes in local physiology or what happens up top cortically and these could almost certainly play a part in pain and its subsidence. We should also consider, however, how someone actually feels about what we are doing TO them or WITH them and how this affects the outcome.

Learning lessons from Manual therapy


The current understanding of the mechanisms behind manual therapy have not really aligned with what they were once thought to be since they have been explored in a research setting, even though they DO appear to have an affect on pain. We can take a leaf out of the book of critical thinkers on this subject, such as Zusman HERE and Bialosky HERE, who critiqued the traditional biomechanical explanations and offered some alternative perspectives for WHY these techniques may have a positive effect. Many of these factors will of course be present across lots of interventions, INCLUDING exercise.

So what are these non-specific effects?


It would be good to point out here that non specific means that they are not specific to the ACTUAL intervention itself, not that they are in NO WAY specific! They could be specific to someone’s perception of where they are, who they are with or what is being done with them and would include the relevance of the intervention and how that relates to their belief structure. It could be someone’s predicted expectation of the outcome that is the driving factor in their recovery. This paper HERE explores more of the contextual effects in the therapeutic encounter.

The predicted outcome does seem to be a HUGE factor in the success of a treatment, in part because it may affect the process of that treatment and this would be no different for ANY intervention, exercise included. If someone has had a previous failed experience with exercise, and this could be unrelated to pain, this might affect their perception of your chosen intervention REGARDLESS of the effectiveness shown by all those research papers you have diligently read! This was seen in a recent paper on a comparison rotator cuff exercises HERE, with the closed chain exercise group suffering with dropouts because people felt these exercises were not specific enough. Both of these papers look at predicted expectations.HERE & HERE.

We should also not take a binary view of non specific OR specific effects but realise that these non-specific effects could have a large impact on the specific effects. Lets say I don’t believe that the exercises that I have been given will make me better. I might be less likely to actually do them and therefore would not derive the physical benefit. Even away from the therapeutic use of exercise, psychological factors appear important. HERE we see that exercise works better if you believe it will. and HERE we see reframing physical activity positively had an effect on health.

It could be that someone simply has a better perception of themselves and their capabilities. This means that they view what they are doing more positively and hence they may do more of it. These perceptual factors might influence how incoming sensory information is viewed, so what was previously viewed as threatening is now viewed in a less threatening light and decreasing the need for protective mechanisms such as pain.

We might find that someone’s locus of control changes, moving from being externally focused, a sense of having little control over their current situation including pain levels, to being more internally focused and able to influence what is happening to them. This could also lead to increased self-efficacy meaning that completing tasks and reaching goals is now perceived as being within someone’s reach. All of these factors could increase analgesia acutely through activation of descending inhibitory mechanisms, eloquently described as the drug cabinet in the brain by David Butler, and longer term through changes in perception or prediction of threat or harm.



An important point to keep in mind is that just because a certain type of exercise, or any intervention for that matter, fits your biases and it seems likely it COULD give a large slug of the psychological good stuff does not mean it WILL. The recipient holds the expectations here not the giver, meaning that the person actually doing it could regard the favourite exercise you use as the exact OPPOSITE to you do. Non specific effects are not automatic, however much you believe in them or hope that they will happen. So could strength training increase someone’s perception of their robustness and sense of strength? Absolutely. But this is certainly not automatic and guaranteed; it would depend on the belief structure and perceived relevance of the person doing it! We must also consider the potential for negative non specific effects too.

How might we get some of these non specific effects from exercise?


Firstly how we explain the relevance to people and the effect it could have may go a long way to improving outcome. Coupling this with someone’s current perception, belief structure and previous experience may also have positive benefits by addressing negative elements that could alter the acute perceptual response, such as pain increasing, if someone believed exercise was actually going to make them WORSE which can be a very REAL fear.

If something has not previously worked, why would it work this time? Even if it is the most evidence based option. Using something different or exploring why it could work or perhaps did not work in more detail may have an effect on expectations and compliance. Education should not just be seen as something to use with pain in my opinion. This may extend to WHY exercise could be more more relevant than a passive or surgical intervention that is currently perceived as the gold standard or preferred course of action by the recipient. This process may or may NOT be required in exactly the same way that education about pain is not always necessary but to not CONSIDER it EVER is quite another matter entirely.

Preference may also play a huge part. We could say swimming was the BEST way to get fit and the most evidenced course of action, but if someone does not like swimming or has limited access to a pool, the BEST could become the WORST if we have not appreciated the person doing it!

Thinking about the person doing the exercise not just the component body part such as a muscle or tendon could be one of the best ways to integrate some of the lessons we have learned from subjects such as pain science when thinking about therapeutic exercise.

Take homes


  • We are mostly unsure of exactly HOW exercise can help for pain
  • Part or all of this may not be specific to physical factors
  • WHY people get better is not always clear when thinking critically
  • We can under consider the non specific effects of exercise
  • These include altering perceptions, locus of control, self efficacy and predicted expectations of outcome
  • Non specific effects can affect more specific physical effects
  • Your bias does NOT predict potential non specific effects
  • There are very real neurobiological effects from non specific aspects on pain
  • Collaboration, education and interaction may all help elicit non specific effects.



DOSAGE! It is a subject that is not often discussed but may make a HUGE difference in the success of using movement and exercise during rehab. Perhaps MORE than the exercise itself!

Article at a glance


  • Dosage is a big deal
  • Intensity, volume and frequency all affect dosage.
  • Both over and under dosing are issues.
  • Try to find minimal effective dose. It can always be progressed.
  • Shared decision making helps find tolerable/effective dose.
  • Define what the right dosage should feel like.
  • Give a regression and progression.
  • Offer support to manage dosage.


Doctor holding heap of drugs in a hand

What is dosage?


Simply put, it is intensity, volume and frequency!

Intensity will be affected by the amount of weight we used or how fast we move the weight; both will affect the amount of force applied to a tissue and this is simply expressed as F = MA. The individual measure of intensity will be moderated by someone’s current tolerance.

The amount of repetitions and sets defines the volume. This can be manipulated and will have an affect on the overall overload.

Frequency is another aspect. You could have the most applicable exercise but if we do it 10 times a day (you have all had THAT person) that could be TOO MUCH of a good thing. So an exercise focused on changes in movement skill or quality (whatever that is!) could be done MORE frequently potentially than an exercise focusing on tissue load where you need time for POSITIVE adaptation to occur at a cellular level.

We can manipulate all three to achieve the desired response. Much more than 3 sets of 10 I am sure you will agree! The reasoning process behind movement/exercise is as important as any other aspect of rehab but not always considered.

This could be increasing intensity and decreasing volume, or increasing volume while decreasing intensity, or leaving those the same and changing frequency. There are a whole bunch of ways that dosage can be manipulated for large or smaller changes in overload.

Smaller changes can be REALLY important to get positive affects as large changes in dosage could have the opposite negative outcome. I have ballsed up a few times by changing the intensity in terms of load and not decreasing volume and have had negative outcomes.

Under dosing


If we under dose then potentially we will get no real adaptation. If you are looking for a change in whatever targeted aspect you are aiming for, lets say strength or load tolerance, if your manipulation of the variables is not on point then you won’t get much adaptation.

The caveat here is maybe there is no need to change the targeted aspect. Many studies have shown NO change in kinematics, posture, ROM or strength but a change in pain.

The caveat to the caveat might be that we don’t often measure the long term trajectory of injuries meaning that although we have a short term successful outcome in changes in pain that show up in studies many people often still suffer longer term with reoccurrence of an injury. This is different to chronicity because it may not be continuous and hence why it is often hard to simply define painful problems as acute or chronic. Perhaps we need some adaptation to affect these things longer term, but I am just thinking out loud.

Perhaps we are altering things we don’t or cannot measure such as local physiology, cellular adaptations, neurophysiology (nociceptive apparatus) or central changes such as can happen in the cortex with sensory and motor representations.

Under dosing could be frustrating as it is less likely to have an effect on the problem and not speed up (if we ever do!) the process of feeling better. This is potentially why we have seen a rise in the use of strength training as with a greater load we are less likely to under dose.

Over dosing


The opposite end of spectrum is giving too great a dose. To a sensitized system this could most definitely be an issue and cause an adverse response and could be why many therapeutic exercises are quite low in the overload stakes using minimal body weight or therabands.

Making someone’s pain worse can have a real effect on how they perceive the care you are giving, your competence and therefore the therapeutic relationship and trust bond. It is also really quite frustrating for them, people want to be able to get back to the activities they enjoy, they want hope and this is often fostered by progression.

Unfortunately it is very difficult to gauge what someone’s response maybe. Much like pain itself this will be dependent on many factors occurring in someone’s life at the this precise moment in time from stress to sleep to their emotional state.

Everybody has managed to make someone worse with a really minimal dose and also thought they have may have crossed the line with too great a dosage to find out that the person handled it just fine.

In reality we never really know where that line is!

Minimal effective dose


A minimal effective dose simply is trying to find a dosage that you think will cause an overload on whatever you are trying to effect but minimizes any potential for side effects. Remember you can always incrementally increase or decrease dosage later.

20 ibuprofen would get rid of your headache but would also expose us to other potential complications. So 2 tablets, or 200mg, is deemed a dosage that is effective but reduces complications.

Unfortunately the biochemistry of medication seems to be more generalizable across the population OR has been more widely studied with large clinical trials. Exercise dosage is still something that needs to be better quantified in the research base.

We could do this through looking at the person’s previous history such as chronicity or frequency of the same injury, the amount of a stimulus that may aggravate their problem such as time or load and then how long it takes to settle down after it rears its ugly head. If you flair your back up when picking up a biro and it takes 3 days to calm down then the dosage should reflect this, especially initially.

We can then adapt the intensity it terms of weight, speed or reps or the frequency of how often they do the exercise(s).

How can we make our dosing more effective?


Firstly we should think about shared decision making and discussing the potential outcomes of the variables being manipulated.

This helps people be better informed, and able to rationalize, what is happening to them especially if we explain WHY they may be feeling what they are feeling and what this ACTUALLY means for them. This hopefully avoids any uncertainty to be filled in by misinformation or investigation on the internet.

Explain that rehab is not a linear process and we don’t always know what the correct dosage should always be, hence why they need to be an active participant in the process.

All of this hopefully adds up to a greater internal locus of control.

Actually perform the dosage, or new dosage, with them and find out how it feels and how comfortable they are with it. If we are adapting a dosage then ask if they feel more comfortable increasing intensity, volume or frequency. Sometimes they maybe more willing to add more load than more reps or sets and sometimes the other way around, maybe they are happy now to do them daily rather than every other day.

Secondly the ability to independently manipulate dosage can be a really big deal. Often there are weeks between contacts so a dosage that is ineffective or aggravating could go unchecked for quite a while.

Here are my 5A's of self management.


Even in the face of increasing pain many folk STILL keep going with their exercises. They blindly believe that it will still make them better, hence if we arm people with some knowledge about what they should be feeling they could limit or adapt what they are doing and minimizing adverse effects.

Part of any exercise prescription (I hate THAT word BTW in relation to exercise) should be the ability to regress or progress based on an agreed level of discomfort, e.g. exercise soreness or actual pain. This could be based on a VAS score or some other personal measure.

If an exercise really hurts, both immediately or 24hr response, could you regress to an isometric? Or if already an isometric could you regress to a lower level of effort or frequency?

If it is not having much of an overload, perhaps gauged by muscle soreness, then could you add in more weight or reps and sets or how often it is performed? Again this offers people a greater internal locus of control.

Offering people support BETWEEN appointments could also be another way to better manage dosage and done via phone or email.



  • Dosage is a big deal
  • Intensity, volume and frequency all affect dosage.
  • Both over and under dosing are issues.
  • Try to find minimal effective dose. It can always be progressed.
  • Shared decision making helps find tolerable/effective dose.
  • Define what the right dosage should feel like.
  • Give a regression and progression.
  • Offer support to manage dosage.







Please click on the large image of all the cards below to download the FREE pain flash cards. You will be redirected to a drop box link containing all 6.

This is a resource aimed at anyone who has an interest in pain and some of the science (what we have looked at so far!) behind the way it works.

Please feel free to share with anyone who you think would benefit.

Subjects covered:

  • Pain
  • Pain & stress
  • Nociception
  • Central sensitisation
  • Descending inhibition
  • Peripheral inhibition

Each one contains approx 500 words on each subject split into:

  • Complex bit
  • Simple bit
  • Simple story to use
  • Reading list


Why do I still hurt?

Why is it not going away this time?

Why am I so sensitive?

Why does it keep happening?


People want answers


These are all questions that people regularly ask regarding their pain and injuries and they want to know a reason why. The bottom line is people want answers and in the absence of satisfactory answers will often jump to the worst possible conclusion.

Perhaps questions like these are indicators for the need for a different type of explanation beyond the pathoanatomical model?



Uncertainty can be present in both acute and chronic pain. Mishel first proposed this in the “theory of uncertainty of illness” HERE. Uncertainty is a cognitive stressor and can be at its height during the diagnosis phase. This was defined as “an inability to determine illness related events”, the sufferer is unable to estimate what the issue is and unable to accurately predict what the outcome will be.

Mishel outlined 3 major points in the “theory of uncertainty of illness”:

    1. Antecedents of uncertainty- Things that occur previously to the illness. These can affect the patient's thinking such as pain, prior experiences and perception.
    2. Appraisal of uncertainty- Procedure of placing a value on the uncertain situation.
    3. Coping with uncertainty- Activities that are used in dealing with uncertainty.


Uncertainty has been linked with increased pain sensitivity, increased psychological distress and maladaptive coping HERE. Higher levels of disability and depression were found in LBP patients who felt their pain was due to diagnostic uncertainty HEREHERE we see experimental data on uncertainty having an effect on the pain people experience.

Getting an answer


The perception can often be an answer or a diagnosis hopefully provides us with a pathway of what to do next and a fix, solution or a cure. Answers are often quite abundant, they are given out by all manner of therapists, trainers, medical doctors and of course everybody’s favorite doctor….doctor google. A key aspect in the expectation of recovery, a very important factor in actual recovery HERE, is a diagnosis and part of this includes diagnostic imaging HERE. Unfortunately we also know that it is not as simple as that HERE.

Without a clear diagnosis we may see expectations of recovery also diminish. We do as well as we think we will do! HERE.

Increasing stress and pain have a negative relationship, uncertainty can increases psychological stress and therefore potentially leads to increased pain levels too. Higher levels of acute pain have been cited as a risk factor for the development of chronic pain HERE.

Unfortunately there is lots we still don’t know and may never do, many painful situations have an unclear cause and diagnosis, and symptoms can be unpredictable.

Potentially this is why we have so many theories and syndromes that try and fill the gaps by supplying us with information about our postures being ‘bad’, joints being out of place or having dysfunctional movement patterns. In situations where people demand answers it is easy to reel off a basic, simple but often untrue explanations. Read more HERE and HERE.  Although uncertainty maybe reduced it can be replaced by negative beliefs that cause more stress or negatively modify behaviours such as the avoidance of movement or reliance on being ‘put back into place’ by their therapist.

Maybe the answer, in part, with the scenarios that arise from these types of questions lies in understanding more about the myriad of changes that can occur within the systems that are involved with the experience of pain itself. In the absence of a plausible explanation the myths that pervade about the human body can continue to flourish and fill the void that people desperately want filled. The premise of pain education in essence is separating the pain someone experiences from the state of their bodies and not simply being reflective of the state of the tissue. Pain not being a measure of increasing harm.

This reconceptualization of what the problem might be really is a tough thing to be able to do. The question is are simple metaphors enough? How far does our knowledge have to go to really help people?

That of course may depend on the person, their education level and how much they really want to know. For some the science may baffle and bemuse and be counter productive as we often see in response to scan reports. Others may need the level of detail to high to make it believable and plausible. Finding the balance between being potentially too superficial and metaphorical and too heavy and science based is important but tough.

Whatever the route you take it is unlikely to be quick or simple with epiphanies all over the place.

Einstein told us “if you can’t explain it simply you don’t know it well enough” but also left us with “ make it things as simple as possible but no simpler”. Maybe these quotes sums up explaining pain quite well. Sometimes it needs to be simple and other times complex things must remain complex.


Perhaps we need layers to how we explain complex things like pain. Superficial metaphors and stories to help with concepts and backed up by a deeper knowledge of changes that can occur at multiple levels from the periphery, dorsal horn, spinal cord and up in the brain too.

Maybe this is why we have more recent problems with some of the issues surrounding the idea, or mantra as some have described it, that ‘pain is in the brain’ and the negative influence that that can have if the recipient misconstrues it as a purely psychological issue HERE. There are very physical and biochemical changes that can occur and discussing these as well as psychological factors might help fulfill some of the more uncertain aspects.

Armed with knowledge and how to get it across


The key to reassurance, a most powerful pain killer –Gifford, and that there really is nothing serious maybe the ability to perform a good clinical exam and being able to speak from a position of confidence that everything is likely to be ok.

Louw et al discuss the need for a good clinical exam in their recent paper HERE. Making sure that this base is covered before moving and finding out if someone is “interested in finding out why they still hurt”.

We have to appreciate that people may not need or want to know more about why they hurt. This aspect should not be seen as standalone or sufficient for recovery in the majority of situations but instead part of a multidimensional approach to care. Education seems to be more effective when combined with other stuff. Does this suggest that pain is not "in the brain"?

But if it is required is the key to reconceptualising also to have a similar level of knowledge and confidence about the subject that you are espousing on?

Wijma et al HERE look at classifying the type of pain to be then able to give a more detailed diagnosis of the source. They look at classifying pain as being mechanism based, the classification being based on history and sensation as nociceptive, neuropathic or central sensitized. This allows a pathway to explain the mechanisms involved in the pain rather than a more traditional pathoanotomical model of damage or alignment driven pain.

Nijs et al wrote a great paper HERE and also Lotze & Moseley HERE on the subject.

A criticism of research is bridging gap between academia and therapist and then between the therapist and person and being able to provide applicability. This can prove challenging in the area of pain with topics such as the level of complexity of the biochemistry and there may not be a substitute for having a decent grasp of the underpinning science.

The point of the blog is that people want a thorough explanation. Is don’t worry about pain enough?

Pain is an alarm!

Pain is in the brain!

It’s a perception!

Pain is helps us to protect!

Sometimes it goes a bit wrong!

Someone will always ask why?

So we have to be able to explain how and why it might be amplified. The mechanisms underpinning the plastic changes that happen peripherally to terminal endings and previously silent receptors, changes at the dorsal horn with receptive fields and available synapses and supra spinally to with increased attention to incoming information, changes in the sensory cortex and strengthening of neural connections.

Stress can come from another conflicting piece of information making the situation uncertain again. Finding the right place on the continuum between simplicity and complexity for the individual maybe the key. This can be tough if the knowledge base lends itself to the simple end.

Another challenge is can you make it FUN. People probably switch off with any boring explanation. How we get things across is probably MORE important than actually what is said!

The use of visual representations and diagrams can help. We could show multiple layers of processing in the CNS or more open doors in the dorsal horn quickly with a basic picture. It is no different from the model of the knee or back used in clinics the world over.

These are some basic tips for the practical application of pain science HERE



Rather than trotting out the same old patter each time it maybe good to use peoples experiences to individualize the interaction. Can we find part of someone’s history or story that lends itself to highlighting the unclear or trajectory nature of pain. This could be in contrast to scan results that can remain relatively unchanged over extended periods of time.

Does their pain correlate with periods of extreme stress or ease over the weekend or on holiday?

Have previous treatment methods aimed at the diagnosis helped over the longer term? Can we explain HOW they may have helped in the short term?

Why did picking up a biro cause their back pain to flare up but going to the gym did not?

Did their back pain flared up without any apparent stimulus or adverse event?

Key points


      • People WANT an explanation or diagnosis
      • Uncertainty is a stressor
      • Expectation of recovery is a big deal
      • Misinformation fills the gaps very nicely
      • Simple explanations can be good and bad
      • A Good grasp of the science is ALWAYS good
      • Individualising helps



There are a few muscles in the body that are often thought of as ‘magic’.

These ‘magic muscles’ seem to act differently from the other muscles in the body and we need to get them working at all cost by prodding and poking or performing bizarre exercises to ‘fire’ them up so that we can avoid ‘dysfunction’ and the inevitable contribution to pain from ‘sub optimal’ activation.

Witch doing her dirty tricks

Examples of these muscles and their related ‘dysfunctions’ are the TvA and back pain, the rotator cuff and shoulder pain and the glutes and well every pain going from the knee to the lower back and shoulder.

Sometimes (this means often) we just blame the muscle automatically without even bothering to perform ANY kind of test.

Simply stating “Your back pain is because your TvA is not firing”

We have some wonderful theories about how and when ‘magic’ muscles should activate and what role they perform at a joint such as are they movers or stabilizers.

It has been suggested some deep muscles should activate first and independently of the movement being performed to provide stability rather than help move the body such as the TvA and rotator cuff whilst the glutes should activate first before other more superficial muscles of the hip to be the ‘prime mover’.

It has also been hypothesized that muscles may have specific jobs because of their fibre type. Muscles with a predominance of slow twitch fibres mean that they are better suited to a postural or ‘stabilizer’ role rather than movers witch have been proposed to contain a greater proportion of type 2 fibres. Sometimes we call them local and global or even fancier…..tonic and phasic.

This influences a whole bunch of what people do, both therapeutically and in gym settings. Do we have much evidence beyond the theory to support these common practices?

This gives us three questions to answer in this blog in relation to this line of theory about muscles and if it contrasts with what has ACTUALLY been studied?

• Do ‘magic’ muscles have specific firing patterns or onset times?

• Do ‘magic’ muscles act independently to carry out specific roles such as stabilization?

• Do ‘magic’ muscles display a distinct dominance of fibre type that mean they have specific roles such as moving or stabilizing?


Muscle ‘firing’



How many times have you heard someone say “They told me my glutes weren’t firing”. The glutes not firing or ‘activating’ first have been blamed for lower back pain, SI pain, knee pain and my personal favourite, opposite shoulder pain (its true……myofascial slings baby) amongst other things.

There are a few purported reasons for this lack of 'firing'.

• ‘Inhibition’ of the muscle after injury.

• Excessive sitting causing inhibition

To determine if there should be a specific firing order it is important to look objectively at how healthy people activate their muscles. We can then see if there is a specific pattern or level of activity we should to try to aim for to be healthy and if there is inhibition OR the theory is incorrect.

The prone hip extension test has always been a favourite way of doing this. You know the one, get people to lie on their fronts and then the therapist or trainer pretends that their fingers are EMG machines and can tell which muscles activates first! This is known as the prone hip extension (PHT) test.

So, if pain was a consistent inhibitor of the glutes then we should see DECREASED EMG (with a proper machine) output from people who have had a previous injury during the PHT. This paper *HERE* actually found that the participants who had suffered a previous injury (in this case hamstring) had a GREATER EMG output. This was also the case here *HERE* where the chronic LBP group had a GREATER EMG signal in the PHT compared to those without. In fact any muscle ‘inhibition’ seems to resolve quite quickly *HERE* after injury.

As far back as 1990, so we really have ‘known’ this for a while, *HERE* they found that muscle firing was pretty variable in the PHT. Twenty healthy subjects each made 30 prone hip extensions with EMG used to measure the onset times of the right glute, biceps femoris, eractor spinae and left erector spinae. They found no significant difference in onset times between the muscles and variability in muscle activation within and between subjects. So the same person can perform the action differently and different people also perform it differently. This makes it really tough to have an objective firing order to base ‘dysfunction’ from.

This paper *HERE* DID find an objective order of muscle firing. They state very nicely their rationale for the need for the research.

“The development of low back pain is ascribed to changes of the muscle firing order in prone hip extension. There appeared to be no normative data on muscle firing order of the lumbar and hip musculature to provide a basis for recognizing variations”

They had healthy fifteen subjects and had a very similar testing procedure with a slightly different set of muscles around the hip but found the glute max actually activated LAST rather than first.

This was finding was supported *HERE* with a much greater sample size of fifty participants, 30 with back pain and 20 without. They looked at both onset time and amount of activation and found that glute activity was delayed significantly in both the symptomatic AND asymptomatic groups. Their conclusion being that the PHT was not able to discriminate between those with and without back pain.

They also made the great point that it is also tough to generalize what happens prone to standing or walking. This paper *HERE* found that changes in hip abduction altered the activation order and amount of activation (EMG amplitude) of the hip musculature. With 15 or 30 deg of hip abduction the glute max firing time was advanced with 0 deg delayed relative to the hamstring.

So slight alterations in hip position when prone changed firing order! What would happen with changes in body orientation (prone, supine, standing) or actually moving and at different speeds. Different terrains may influence hip width *HERE* and this would probably change firing order based on leg orientation.

In the Lieberman study looking at glutes during walking and running *HERE* we see alterations in timing and substantial activation changes between the two activities. This suggests that a single test is probably not transferable across multiple activities that may require different timings and activation levels.

As far as I am aware glute inhibition with prolonged sitting has not been studied. This is quite amazing considering how prevalent the theory is so it is tough to corroborate it. However WITHOUT evidence to support it and as we see delayed firing in those WITHOUT pain then we have to wait for more evidence before we can support this claim.

There is also the small point of can you really feel micro second differences in muscle activation with your fingers and if they are pretty minute do they matter anyway?

Although the 'glutes aren’t firing’ line sounds like an alluring and simple explanation for someone’s problems the actual SCIENCE really does not support such a simple answer.


The TvA is often a muscle that is blamed for not firing and inadequately stabilizing the spine leading to back pain. Although there certainly has been some early research showing delayed firing there is certainly not a well-defined causal link between delayed onset and lower back pain. Later work using both EMG and M mode ultrasound *HERE* have shown variable firing in healthy individuals and back pain sufferers with delayed onset not being a consistent finding for LBP patients.

Vasseljen et al state “Within and between subject variations need to be acknowledged in future studies” This paper found no association between changes in onset timing of the deep abdominal muscles and LBP.

This was finding was mirrored by Mannion et al *HERE*They found no association between the ability to activate the TvA both before or after training and a good clinical outcome.

Much like the glutes, the onset of TvA muscular activity has been shown to be variable between tasks so generalizing what happens with a muscle in one research piece using a specific movement such as rapid arm movement cannot be used to create a generalized muscular model for human function.

Morris et al *HERE* found the role of the TvA to be more function specific with muscular activation to being dependent on direction and magnitude of an action being performed. It has previously been hypothesized that the TvA acts independently (not function dependent) like a corset to stabalize the spine and it does this bilaterally. The original research only looked at the contralateral (to the arm motion) TvA but extrapolated this to bilateral activity.

Morris et al reported that no one (in the admittedly small sample size of seven) used a bilateral activation strategy in response to unilateral arm movements, the TvA acted both reciprocally and asymmetrically and the authors suggested that training the TvA to act bilaterally may actually INHIBIT normal movement.

Again we see that it is just not that simple and giving a muscle a specific job with a timing strategy is a potentially problematic line of reasoning when we dig a bit deeper than the theory.

Rotator cuff

The rotator cuff (RC) has also be given the job of stabilizing the gleno-humeral joint with a hypothesized earlier onset time and co contraction to provide joint stability. This systematic review of the stabilizing characteristics of the rotator cuff *HERE* found only in 4 out of 10 of the tested movements that the RC onset time was earlier than more ‘global’ muscles around the shoulder joint. Co-activation was also not consistent across different movements.

The authors concluded here that there is no clear evidence for seeing the RC muscles as simply stabilizers but instead acting in a direction specific manner. This was supported by more co contraction between the supraspinatus and infraspinatus than between either muscle and the subscapularis. The stabilizing role of the RC maybe the limiting of translation within the joint in a direction specific manner.

This is supported by this paper *HERE* that found that the subscapularis being more active in shoulder extension and the supraspinatus and infraspinatus more active in shoulder flexion. Interestingly the level of external load did not alter muscular activation level! It was also supported *HERE* with different variations of shoulder exercises influencing the muscles role.

Boettcher et al *HERE* helpfully put their conclusion in the title of their paper “The role of shoulder muscles is task specific”. They wanted to see if the RC muscles displayed distinct rotator or stabilizer function and although the title somewhat suggested this was not the case this was confirmed in the paper with a task specific activation being apparent.

Muscle fibre type


The predominant fibre type of muscles has been cited as a reason behind why a muscle should be classified as a ‘stabilizer’ or a ‘prime mover’. A stabilizer would have a much greater amount of type 1 fibres whilst a prime mover a greater amount of type 2 and type 2A.

But do we see a predominance of fibre types within muscles?

Trunk muscles are often theoretically split into ‘inner’ and ‘outer’, the inner unit involving the deeper muscles that should have a much greater concentration of type 1 fibres. As we have looked at previously the inner unit muscles don’t appear to have a reflexive and independent activation or movement strategy. So what about their fibre type, is this more suited to stabilization?

This study *HERE* used bioposy to study the rectus abdominis, TvA and Obliques. They found large variation BETWEEN people but little difference between the individual muscles, in fact their words were “minor or non-existant”. They concluded that the muscles actually have a SIMILAR functional capacity.

This paper *HERE* looked at 36 muscles in a relatively young sample size. They found that “Most of the muscles studied were known to fulfil both tonic and phasic functions, however, and showed no striking preponderance of either fibre type.”

In an older population in the rotator cuff, this paper *HERE* also showed a mixed fibre with a maximum of a 60/40 split between type 1 and 2. This was also apparent in an older paper *HERE* looking at back muscles with around a similar split between type 1 and 2. Certainly not enough to warrant classifying muscles into specific roles.

A more recent systematic review paper *HERE* also suggests that there is little inter (between) or intra (within) differentiation of fibre types in either healthy people or LBP patients in the multifidus and erector spinae muscles.

Two muscles *HERE* that DO APPEAR to have a much greater predominance of type 1 fibres are the soleus and tibialis anterior that have around 80% of fibres being more ‘postural’ although we don’t seem to talk about these muscles in the same way but obviously they do a lot of endurance type work!



What does the research tell us?

• Muscle firing patterns do not appear to fit theories that are often discussed and that influence exercise prescription.

• Muscle firing, when looked at over repeat trials, seems to be variable within and between individuals and does not support a specific muscular strategy to base ‘dysfunction’ from.

• Muscles appear not to simply have ‘roles’ that are independent of the action being performed and can be consistently defined.

• Co contraction levels appear not to be consistent enough to support a singular role of stabalistation to a joint.

• Generalising activation patterns in one task to beyond that task appear unfounded.

• Fibre types although not a perfect 50/50 split do not really show a dominance of fibres that allow us to categorise muscles into postural or movers. Movement data also does not support this.

Knowledge about pain science is rapidly growing with articles and blogs aimed at everybody from personal trainers to doctors and surgeons springing up on the topic. It could be argued that anyone who deals with the body should have a basic understanding of how pain works.

We have criticism that we still have not gone far enough in this field and others seeing the pendulum as having swung far to far already!

Whilst it is important to digest this barrage of information, we also need to think about the real world application of the academia to the end user, e.g. the person you are trying to help understand all this information, and often this is the bit people find hard.

1. Pain science can help us to understand what NOT to say, but not what TO say.


At the very LEAST a better understanding of pain science should influence us to know that what we say can have a profound affect on the way someone perceives themselves and their current state. Unfortunately words that hinder rather than help can often easily trip off the tongue as they have been used so many times before!

Just staying away from certain words may help to not create detrimental nocibo effects.

• Rip
• Tear
• Instability
• Damage
• Degeneration
• Chronic
• Out of place

These words have the potential to alter people’s perceptions of their capabilities, beliefs and expectations for recovery. ‘Thought viruses’ is a catchy term regarding negative beliefs and how they can be generated and passed between people.

What should we say? Well that is an infinitely harder question to answer and will vary between individuals, there are certainly are no recipes here.

Hence why learning what NOT to say is often a great start!

2. Learn more about the subject!


A criticism of our current educational processes is that they do not teach much about the mechanisms behind the experience of pain at undergraduate level or in many courses that deal with injury.

While it is a start to watch a few videos or read a few blogs, using the concepts of modern pain science should be underpinned by a good working knowledge of how pain works. A few buzz words or analogies probably aren’t quite enough to get it across to the target audience, especially when they have a habit of asking tricky questions.

Here are some questions it may just be worth knowing the answer to or how to explain:

What is pain?
How does nociception work?
What is central sensitisation?
What is peripheral sensitisation?
What are the supra spinal mechanisms involved in the pain experience?
What are descending inhibition & facilitation?
Why do stress, context & emotion have an effect on the pain experience?

3. Explanation of a complex subject like pain takes practice.


Everything is hard before it is easy - motivational slogan on a clipboard with a cup of coffee

People can feel under pressure to be able to ‘explain pain’ like an expert. Firstly you need the basic science then you need to learn how to articulate it and this does not happen over night.

As Einstein says, “If you can’t explain it simply you don’t know it well enough”.

Complexity and confusion during an explanation may lead to confusion and uncertainty in someone’s understanding and actually increase rather than dampen down someone’s pain experience.

Perhaps it is something than should be practiced away from a ‘live’ environment to build your own confidence and communication skills? Fuck it up a few times, learn from this and be ready to roll it out when you need it.

All the best presenters practice after all!

4. You may need more than one analogy.


Analogies have been promoted as a great way to get across complex subjects such as pain. As we use analogy so much in everyday life this makes a lot of sense but it is good to keep in mind always that these things depend on the person receiving the analogies previous experiences, cultural factors and education level.

SO if it aint working then switch it up.

5. Challenge concepts and not people.


A great way to ruin rapport, which can be vital to the success of what you are trying to achieve, is to tell people they are wrong or make them feel stupid. Beliefs can be like superglue and adding confrontation into the mix can make things go downhill quickly. If it is not working STOP, maybe you can come back to it later or drip feed in over time.

6. Always find out how someone has perceived what you have told them.


This is vital, it maybe the information you have presented is perceived in precisely the way that you did not mean it to be! Prof Kieran O’Sullivan promotes a most sensible course of action by asking “What would you tell your friends and family about what I have told you”.

This means any miscommunications can be (hopefully) remedied before they turn into ‘thought viruses’ such as “they told me the pain was all in my head”.

7. There are no recipes or protocols - It is about the individual.


What works for one person may not work for another. Perhaps a plus for pain science is it points towards being person centered rather than having a specific protocol across humans such as more protocol based approaches do.

Strategies that have been promoted from the fields of psychology involve techniques such as exposure therapy and expectancy violation. We have to be careful that the patient/client identifies the specific fears and beliefs to be addressed, and hopefully inhibited, and this is not seen as a general concept.

8. Changing beliefs is not an instantaneous process, an exact science or even always possible.


As discussed in point 5, beliefs can be sticky and contagious between friends, family and work colleagues (even more so with Dr Google!). Rarely do people walk out from chatting with their therapist or trainer and suddenly change their outlook and opinion on themselves or beliefs they hold.

It could be a slow and laborious process (likely!) or in fact never happen at all!

9. People often have their OWN epiphanies away from you.


Reconceptualising can happen in mysterious ways with mysterious triggers, a bit like an apple falling on your head! You may have to wait for someone to come to their own realisations about the information you are giving them rather than expecting an epiphany in front of your eyes.

10. You can’t talk tolerance into a tissue.


One of the major parts of the BPS model is the B for biological. Just because you can help someone understand they are not fragile does not mean they suddenly develop an enhanced capacity for moving. The less you move the less likely you are to be robust at moving, that’s the SAID principle in action.

Someone once said “you can’t talk tolerance into a tissue” a very true statement. But you may have to talk to someone first to get them to do that work and get the tolerance!

11. BPS model is still in the minority away from social media.


For the eagle eyed yes it did say 10 and this is number 11!

It may feel like social media is awash with pain science from every angle to the delight of some and not to others! Go out into the wider world of the internet and shock, horror the actual real world and it feels like the information being delivered in the medical and training world regarding pain is still pretty traditional with structural and biomechanical factors being promoted.