Below are 4 key points in my opinion that can be overlooked when using exercise and movement therapeutically.



Tai chi

Therapy based exercises are generally about getting INCREASED activation, creating more strength and sometimes also getting an earlier onset timing of a muscle. This is can often described as increased 'firing' and if I had a pound for everytime someone said to me 'I have been told my glutes aren't firing' I would be a rich man!

The more we study the movement of people during and post pain the more we tend to see it can actually be an INABILITY to relax and turning muscles OFF, not sure we turn them off or on like a light switch but fits with the concept people seem to have, and stop them from firing so much.

A recent paper from Paul Hodges group found exactly this Gain of postural responses increases in response to real and anticipated pain

In this study when both a real and noxious noxious stimulus was introduced to the task we see an increase in muscle activation.

"Muscle activation was earlier and greater than that required for the task and is likely to create unnecessary joint loading. This could have long-term consequences if maintained"

This was also true of those experiencing back pain in Spine loading characteristics of patients with low back pain compared with asymptomatic individuals

"Patients with low back pain experienced 26% greater spine compression and 75% greater lateral shear (normalized to moment) than the asymptomatic group during the controlled exertions. The increased spine loading resulted from muscle coactivation"

What can we take from this?

Often the goal of an exercise is stiffness, precision, control, attempting to perfectly target a particular muscle but in many cases someone may need relaxation & freedom to allow the natural variation and flow that characterises healthy human movement.

Simply put, people in pain have altered movement. This will have implications for movement assessment and also how we get people to move when thinking therapeutically to restore relaxed and truley free movement.



This was a piece of research that went well under the radar “Patient led goal setting in chronic low back pain-What goals are important to the patient and are they aligned to what we measure?” perhaps because it challenges current practice?

The results of the study found that NONE of the patient goals were aligned with common measures used by physiotherapists. The traditional measures were pain, strength and ROM.

A criticism of the paper would be none of the patient goals were described but perhaps these were goals related to specific activities such as picking up their kids or tying shoe laces without back pain that would be important to people and the quality and hapiness of their lives.

The more we understand about the psycological aspects of therapy the more important pieces of research like this become. If your measure of success is different to that of your patient then what you regard as a good outcome may not be seen in the same way by the person who really matters.

Even if we are thinking more about physical factors such as biomechanics, neurodynamics or muscle function all these things will have an element of specificity and relevance to them if thinking about a specific patient goal.

In fact working on individual biomotor components such as strength and flexibility seem to be unrelated to and have little effect on specific movements.

This study - Frontal plane kinematics of the hip during running: are they related to hip anatomy and strength? found that the kinematics of hip adduction during running was NOT associated with hip abduction strength.

This study - The effect of a hip-strengthening program on mechanics during running and during a single-leg squat found that a hip strengthening program did not alter running mechanics.

This does not mean that loading via a strengthening program, that may or may not alter strength, will not have an effect on load tolerance or have an effect on pain but will not alter a movement if that is the desired outcome. This is explored more in this blog Strengthening the most overused term in rehab?

Ranges of motion that are aquired through flexibility training do not automatically improve movement in general. In Improvements in hip flexibility do not transfer to mobility in functional movement patterns the authors conclude:

"This implies that training and rehabilitation programs may benefit from an additional focus on 'grooving' new motor patterns if newfound movement range is to be used"

It could be argued that a focus on just moving with larger ranges would kill two birds with one stone if the movements themselves were relevant to those looking to be improved.

Is a positive clinical outcome after exercise therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain contingent upon a corresponding improvement in the targeted aspect(s) of performance? A systematic review found that there was little supporting evidence that changes in the performance measures of mobility, strength or endurance were directly attributable to positive treatment effects for exercise in lower back pain!

Perhaps an approach that uses relevant movements and provides a stimulus through inputs such as external cueing that help the motor system to develop more movement options involving adaptability, tolerance and variability seems a pragmatic one!



How many peoples pain is exacerbated by a fear of reinjury that can also hinder the recovery process? It maybe that the physical area of the body has fully healed but the motor and sensory responses are still stuck in a more protective mode because of the psycological aspects that can become associated with the pain experience.

A fear of reinjury can negatively affect peoples recovery and we see a high level of kinesiophobia after ACL injurys as an example Kinesiophobia after anterior cruciate ligament rupture and reconstruction: noncopers versus potential copers

People often identify with having a 'bad' knee or 'dodgy' back and may actively seek to avoid activities that put undue perceived stress and strain on that area. Vlaeyen wrote this great paper back in 1995 on the topic of fear avoidance. The role of fear of movement/(re)injury in pain disability By avoiding certain activities, peoples beliefs about their body parts are reinforced and therefore they further avoid these activities.

On a physiological level this may mean that these areas develop low tissue capacity and deconditioning due to lower work needs. Low capacity may lead to an area becoming easier to overload and perhaps more susceptible to future pain.

Protective motor responses driven by fear behaviours, similar to previously discussed in relaxation section, can interupt natural phsyiological processes within the local area such as bringing blood to the tissue and taking away waste products. This could lead to acidosis and increased mechanical nociceptor sensitivity further driving perceptions of sensitivity and avoidance behaviours and beliefs.

Hypervigilance, an enhanced state of sensory sensitivity, may be applied to a specific area that has been identified as being 'at risk' and can be accompanied by anxiety of future reinjury and the subsequent implications for work or family life.

A key concept within a therapeutic movement approach is to use a graded exposure and progressive load based approach to both physical and psycological desensitisation. The aim being a thoughtless and fearless return to functional activities. Reaffirming positive movement outcomes is a key to reducing negative beliefs that can be held about movement.



Variabiltiy is inherent in a biological system. I wrote about this in detail here Movement variability & its relation to pain and rehab

This natural variability of movement is both affected by and could also be a cause of pain. This recent paper Interaction between pain, movement, and physical activity: short-term benefits, long-term consequences, and targets for treatment highlights some of the new theories emerging about the relationship between pain and movement. Approaches to exercise, in both the therapy and performance worlds, are often about decreasing variation to increase impact on a target tissue or movement. This may be good for hypertrophy and work capacity but is lacking in addressing a key aspect of a well documented motor system adaptation to pain that should form a target for exercise for rehabilitation.

Moseley and Hodges identified a decrease in variability as a risk factor for developing chronic low back pain. Reduced variability of postural strategy prevents normalization of motor changes induced by back pain: a risk factor for chronic trouble?

This paper Low back pain status affects pelvis-trunk coordination and variability during walking and running could identify from walking and running analysis of variability which participants had no back pain, one incident of back pain and long term back pain.

Their conclusion was:

"The data lend insight into increased injury risk and performance deficits associated with even one bout of low back pain, and suggest that clinicians need to look beyond the resolution of pain when prescribing rehabilitation for low back pain"

One of my favourite motor theories is that of 'The equilibrium-point' described by Feldman.

Latash elquently describes this in Motor Control Theories and Their Applications.

"This allows control levels of the CNS to specify where, in spatial coordinates, muscles are activated without being concerned about exact details on when and how they are activated"

So the CNS may set movement parameters whilst leaving the temporal coordination at a peripheral level to be self organised/optimised and thus variable. This has been hypothesised to be via the gamma motor neuron and feedforward/back mechanism invloving the muscle spindles.

If the parameters are set to tightly by the CNS then this may reduce the amount of variability available to the system and the ability to be able to adapt to changing stimulus.

One of my hunches (perhaps not a good thing for science!) is that the parameters may be set via interaction with the cortical map for a specific body part and also previous movement/pain experiences but this is certainly not proven!

How do we use this infromation in the trenches? Well a range of different movement patterns and variables should be utilised during a therapeutic exercise program to provide different stimulus for the person to deal with and adapt to. Much the same as they would have to away from a clinic or gym environment.

Find out more about a 'Funtional Therapeutic Movement' approach

I was driving my son to nursery this morning when I started to feel an intense burning pain in my lower back area.

That’s weird I thought why has that just started? I could not really pin point what or where the sensation was and it seemed to be spreading rapidly.

I went for a run yesterday did I irritate it then?

I also did a fair amount of sitting at the computer, did I hurt it doing that?

Then I thought about what that might mean.

I hope it does not last all day?

Will it stop me from running or working?

The burning seemed to actually intensify.


Lower back pain in woman isolated on white

When I got out of the car I felt around my back area and there was a big scratch there. I don’t recall doing it or where I could have done it. The burning of course was just an immune system response to minor tissue damage and I had a bunch of inflammatory chemicals floating around down there going to work and fixing my tissues.

Immediately I was relieved. I could put a meaning to the sensation. I could pin point the pain to exactly where the scratch was. It felt like lots of other scratches I have had before. I knew that the scratch was just an irritation not anything to be worried about.

I class myself as being reasonably well informed about the ins and outs of the pain experience. Still without reasoning, logic and experience to put a context to the pain it caused my brain to go into irrational overdrive about why it had happened and what that was going to mean for me.

It really helped me consider and empathise with what maybe happening in the brains of people that have no understanding of the mechanisms.

How about if their brain is full up of other peoples experiences with pain and the negative impact it has had on their lives?

What if it is filled up with internet logic about crumbling discs etc or they go and fill it with internet logic searching for answers to why they have got the pain and the prognosis? Perhaps even what they are told by their therapist or trainer?

This reminded me about how much all the other stuff associated with pain must affect people and the experiences that they go through when in pain. How this is probably heightened if our previous pain experiences have been disabling and the meaning and impact that has on someone’s life.

My back is still hurting as I am writing this but I am not worried.

This is another little short blog on the theme of lower back pain and is a follow up to another popular post from a couple of weeks ago that can be found below.

Exercise for back pain works but maybe not in the way we think it does!

One of the long-term theories of the cause/resolution of back pain is that of 'core stability'.
The deep core muscles such as the TvA are meant to fire or activate at a specific time to create stability for the spine and stop apparently damaging ‘micro movements’. I am unsure why micro movements would cause more damage than bigger movements but I will leave that to much smarter folk than me!

core stability

The theory is that the TvA contracts bilaterally or directionally independent to stabalise the spine locally (in conjunction with some other muscles although focus has always been more on TvA) and works differently to the other core muscles that are seen as more ‘global’ and actually create specific movement. This was based on Hodges et al original work on the TvA in the mid to late 90’s and has massively influenced training, injury prevention and rehab over the last 20 years.

In the original work of Hodges the onset of TvA activity was delayed in those with back pain compared to controls by 20ms or a 50th of a second with a rapid arm raising task. Firstly we do not know if this is a cause or an effect of pain, the inference from this data seems to have been that it is a cause. Can we make this conclusion from subjects already in pain? Secondly the original work was performed on a unilateral TvA and has been extrapolated to a bilateral theory of a muscular corset stabalising the spine and lastly is this delay even significant mechanically?

Does the TvA work bilaterally to stabalise the spine as we have been led to believe by theorists across the worlds of training & therapy or do they work specifically according to functional activity like most muscles?

That is exactly the question that the two papers I am going to look at below asked!

Firstly we have:

Feedforward Responses of Transversus Abdominis Are Directionally Specific and Act Asymmetrically: Implications for Core Stability Theories 2008

The inclusion of the conclusion in the title always ruins the suspense and as you can read these authors found that the TvA firing was both asymmetrical and directionally specific.

The paper firstly points out that earlier research data was not congruent with the 'muscular corset' theories formed from Hodges original work with regards to TvA activity.

So what did the data say?

Well when the subjects raised their right arm the ipsilateral TvA on the right side lagged behind the activation of the TvA on the contralateral side, the left. The activity was clearly asymmetrical and specific to movement being performed and the direction that the stimulus on the trunk was coming from.

Just so we don’t chalk this up to methodological errors the authors state:

 “Furthermore, because the laterality responses of the respective sides of the TrA muscle are replicated for left and right arm flexion perturbations, and repeated across time, the findings can-not be attributed to signal amplification or in vivo errors in fine-wire placements”

 Interestingly they also studied the rectus abdominis with the same arm movements. The rectus abdominis is seen as more of a ‘mover’ muscle with the ‘core stability’ theory but it displayed hardly any laterality at all, activating in a similar fashion for both left and right arm movements.

Another study in 2012 found exactly the same thing.

Corset hypothesis rebutted--transversus abdominis does not co-contract in unison prior to rapid arm movements.

Again another conclusion in the title not allowing me to build anticipation! This study found pretty much exactly the same thing. The movement of the arm created a rotational force on the spine and in response we see asymmetrical TvA activity. The contralateral (opposite side) TvA kicking in before the ipsilateral, TvA function was significantly related to which arm moved.

The authors conclude:

“the “corset hypothesis” for TrA bilateral co-contraction is refuted. The same techniques were used in this study as the original work forming the basis of the “corset hypothesis”

“It is only by studying muscles on both sides of the trunk that a true picture of reciprocal and co-contraction can be developed. The methods used in this study refute the original hypothesis that bilateral feed forward co-contraction of TrA is a normal strategy during rapid arm movements”

The authors felt that training the core to act independently and bilaterally would actually disrupt normal movement patterns and the function specific activity of the core muscles. Many of our functional activities are asymmetrical running, throwing, kicking and reaching are some examples and bilateral TvA activity could be unnatural and disruptive.

We have problems from both ends for a 'core stability' approach. The theory is not supported by the data and equally the efficacy of the approach based on the theory is far from promising.

Think about how many training and rehab methods that use these type of exercises and a corner stone to their approach. The point of having evidence is of course to use it and perhaps these two papers have been brushed under the carpet a touch!











Exercise for back pain seems to be reasonably positive for an issue that is fairly problematic across healthcare as a whole. A recent systematic review including a meta analysis found beneficial effects for pretty much all exercise types *Click Here* Some exercise types such as Pilates have been touted as superior but this does not seem to be the case according to a recent Cochrane review *Click Here*

I wanted to focus on two pieces of research into lower back pain that got me thinking about the way we focus on back pain and therapeutic exercise in general. Both seem to have flown a little under the radar but in my humble opinion have profound implications for how we view therapeutic exercise.

Firstly we have a systematic review from 2012.

“Is a positive clinical outcome after exercise therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain contingent upon a corresponding improvement in the targeted aspect(s) of performance?
A systematic review”

This paper looked at exercise therapy trials for cLBP. They wittled down 1217 studies from the initial search to 13 RCT’s (randomized controlled trials) and 5 non RCTs that met the inclusion criteria.

The aim of the review was to find out if the evidence contained within these trials supported the change in pain of the subjects with the targeted aspects of physical function after exercise therapy. The aspects of physical function were mobility, trunk extension and trunk flexion strength and back muscle endurance.

back pain

The point from the researchers perspective was that studies report if an exercise intervention for cLBP has an affect on key out come variables such as pain or disability but not if the outcome is actually tied into the targeted aspects of the exercise program.

10 studies explored the relationship of changes in pain and sagittal (flexion and extension) mobility. 7 found not correlation but did not provide supporting data and 3 found no correlation with data. The authors performed a meta analysis of this data and found total correlation was very low between changes in mobility and changes in pain.

9 studies and 5 studies respectively explored trunk extension and flexion strength. A meta analysis of the available data showed no significant correlation between changes in pain and strength.

Muscular endurance was explored in 7 studies none showing a correlation but without reporting specific correlation coefficients.
The correlations between disability and strength and mobility were also pretty underwhelming.

The authors stating:

“We conclude that the available literature does not appear to support a convincing association between changes in clinical outcome and changes in physical function after exercise therapy for cLBP”

“The findings do not support the notion that the treatment effects of exercise therapy in cLBP are directly attributable to changes in the musculoskeletal system. Future research aimed at increasing the effectiveness of exercise therapy in cLBP should explore the coincidental factors influencing symptom improvement”

So people can get better from exercise, we know that moving works but it may not mean that they are weak or inflexible and this is the cause of their back pain or working on this cause is the remedy to their problems. The authors here feel that the effects of exercise maybe more down to ‘central’ rather than ‘local’ changes such as psychological, cognitive or neurophysiological adaptations.

These would include changes in movement patterns and sensory input, alterations in cortical representations or body ‘schema’ and positive therapist/patient interactions. It could also involve decrease in fear avoidances and catastrophising behaviours.

I don’t think we can discount basic physiological processes associated with moving such as increases in blood flow and the effects of simply moving more on people’s general systemic health or increasing someones 'zone of homeostasis' to activity which could be on a local cellular level or more CNS based.

Another potential issue is how does telling people they need to ‘strengthen’ affect their perception of their capabilities? For many it could imply they are weak to begin and therefore at increased risk which may or may not be true but is often under quantified instead being assumed.

As I have discussed before many therapeutic exercises do little to strengthen but do involve moving more! *Click Here*

I think this paper questions how we view exercise and the potential mechanisms behind why exercise works.

Secondly a short paper on goal setting.

“Patient led goal setting in chronic low back pain-What goals are important to the patient and are they aligned to what we measure?”

This paper identified 27 unique goals from 20 participants with goals relating to physical activity being by far and away (49.2 %) the most common. The second common goal was work place related at 14.29%. I do feel this paper would have been strengthened significantly by the inclusion of some examples of what these goals were so we could get an idea of the functional activities that people found important. I suspect they would be related to things such as tying their shoe laces and picking their kids up. These are important relevant and meaningful goals that are perhaps under explored in relation to more clinical variables such as strength and range of motion (ROM). Although they may include aspects of physical performance they often are not resolved simply by working solely on these components in isolation without relevance.

The results of the study found that NONE of the patient goals were aligned with common measures used by physiotherapists. The traditional measures were pain, strength and ROM. The argument here would be that these traditional measures would go towards enabling patients to be able to achieve their goals but again this maybe an assumption. If you feel someone has achieved your success measures then their success measures maybe less relevant.

The authors state:

“Clinical outcome measures may not be providing accurate information about the success of treatments that are meaningful to the patient. Clinicians should consider a collaborative approach with cLBP patients to determine treatment interventions that are driven by patient preference”

It maybe simple to help someone experience less pain, an example would be telling someone to avoid bending over if they experience back pain doing so.
One perspective of success is no pain from bending over – Goal achieved. Another perspective would be being able to bend down to do my shoe laces again– Goal not achieved. A reduced measure of pain does not simply imply success in the eyes of another party. Maybe people would even be willing to put up with a larger amount of discomfort coupled with a greater functionality rather than no pain and a sense of disability?

Both of these papers I think challenge a traditional view of therapeutic exercise and the mechanisms behind positive outcomes. The more we understand about the mechanisms the better we can design the exercise parameters. The use of strength or ROM measures do not align with peoples goals nor is recovery dependent on these measures changing.

Perhaps success cannot always be quantified with traditional measures and ultimately the success of an outcome lies not in these measures but the perception of those that the therapeutic exercise is being applied to. I am going to go out on a limb and say these results could apply to other parts of our anatomy also!

In my opinion dosage, relevance (even if it is perceived) and enjoyment maybe the key factors in moving for those with cLBP. I would love to see those variables explored more.

When you delve into looking at how people move you will soon encounter the murky concept of what is ‘correct’ or ‘good’ movement. This is generally coupled with strong beliefs in these concepts that are hard to shift regardless of the evidence.

Alberto Brandolini sums this up very nicely:

"The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it”

While I do not agree that the idea of being able to define ‘good’ movement is total bullshit it has certainly proved to be an elusive endeavor and is very unclear so far. Based on the available evidence it would seem the best we can do in terms of rehabilitation and helping people move whilst in pain is to simply get them moving…. DIFFERENTLY.


A recent look at the FMS *HERE*, a system that attempts to provide criteria for ‘good’ movement and associated injury risk for ‘bad’ movement, found that the average score of the 74 athletes who got injured during the course of the study was 14.3 for the screens performed. The 93 uninjured athletes scored….wait for it….14.1 a whopping 0.2 difference.

The only movement pattern associated with injury was the in line lunge. The athletes who scored a 3 (the best score) were MORE likely to get injured than those that scored a 2! That is the more rigidly you can stick to what is perceived as a ‘good’ movement the more you are likely to get injured. In fact those scoring a 0 or 1 (the worst scores) showed no association with injury.

Moving IN pain

Any movement assessment of someone IN pain may only be a reflection of their response to being in pain NOT the reason why they have gotten into pain. This basic reasoning process is often not considered and provides a great rational for a movement change to off load an irritated tissue or to decrease maladaptive responses such as muscle guarding and stiffness later in a rehabilitation process. ANY movement can be used a screen or assessment for this purpose, the more relevant to the individual the better!

Movement assessment should focus on how you are moving RIGHT NOW regardless of whether that is right or wrong, especially when in pain, to give an indication of what to change and how to change it. Decreased ability to move differently and have other movement options has been associated with the transition from an acute injury to chronicity *HERE*. Decreased variation is strongly associated with chronicity when we use non-linear methods to assess movement *HERE*

Good movement, in my opinion, could be characterized by having movement options and bad movement could therefore be defined as having a lack of options.

One of my favourite sayings is:

“All exercise is movement but not all movement is an exercise”

Simply this means that any exercise can be adapted and altered to provide a less painful movement or movement can be used that does not look like ANY traditional exercise. Simply altering foot positions in a squat or a lunge will adjust femoral orientation in the acetabulum and provide a different stimulus to both the tissues of the hip and the CNS for a different response - hopefully less pain. All of these positions should be available within our movement repertoire for a sizeable capacity and available options to deal with varying situations and stimuli. We specifically adapt to the stimulus we are exposed to and therefore are more able to deal with the same stimulus in the future.


People are often uncomfortable with moving away from the exact invariant blueprint of how they have been taught or believe an exercise should be performed. Maybe it won’t target the same muscle or they believe it is less safe? If we look at less contrived movement such as in sport you will often move into these variations multiple times during a game. In fact you may not ever use the version you have practiced in the gym!

In a pain situation the aim may simply be to move with less pain rather than targeting a specific muscle to make it stronger. I would hope we are now moving away from a single muscle weakness as a cause of pain or biomechanical ‘dysfunction’

The more you move in the same way with pain the more you are likely to trigger the same response. The painful movement could look like ‘really good’ movement and ‘really bad’ movement could be pain free. We need to get MORE comfortable with being able to adapt exercises and movements to the person rather than shoehorning them into an ‘ideal’ version of an exercise.

Why does moving differently cause less pain?

Lets first think about what is going on in the tissue where it hurts although of course we cannot forget that the brain will also play a role in the modulation of any signal coming from the periphery. The science, which we will take a basic look at, is as important as evidence but less sexy it seems!

Secondly and perhaps more important when dealing with people in persistent pain states we must also consider associative learning and the coupling between non noxious proprioceptive stimulus and a pain response as well.

Nociceptors that encode high threshold noxious stimulus, or more plainly put danger signals, become MORE sensitive during bouts of prolonged firing and this decreases the amount of stimulus that is then required to activate them. They can be poly modal meaning they respond to a number of stimuli, heat, chemical and mechanical stimulus can all cause them to fire. All of these can be present during pain and inflammation.
So for a start simply moving in ways that have less impact on these afferent sensory neurons is a great place to start. Even finding joint positions that are less painful and can tolerate isometric loads can be a good way to stimulate an area to adapt without irritating it.

These first order afferent sensory neurons synapse in dorsal horn where the second order neurons are stimulated and throw the information upstairs to the brain. Prolonged stimulation via an impulse barrage from the periphery can cause increased excitation of the spinal cord neurons that may start to increase their receptive field; this activity can also start to excite neighboring synapses as well. This is often referred to as ‘wind up’.

Dorsal horn

Even in an acute pain situation these changes in the central processing of pain can alter or may have been altered by previous painful experiences. We often associate central mechanisms with more chronic pain states but central mechanisms will always be involved in any pain so the possibility of more central involvement is always present. If someone has had a history of pain refractory nociceptors that have previously been quiet or silent may subsequently become more active and add to this process. We may also have receptors that previously had a normal sensitivity state that now are more sensitive to future stimulus.

Once these receptors are turned on they may stay switched on for a while or never totally switch off. C fibre information travels slowly due to the lack of axon myelination so signals from the peripheral terminal endings may take some time to get to the CNS and then also some time for any inflammatory responses produced by the cell body or dorsal horn to get back down there. So as more C fibres wake up and start signaling then this probably goes some way to explaining why pain often hurts the next day and can carry on for a bit afterwards. This also helps us to understand why that fine line can sometimes be crossed in rehab when we do a bit too much in a session and it is not until the next day we become aware that the threshold has been crossed and triggered the alarm.

Part of making the alarm system of pain better, often a maladaptive response, is making the sensors more sensitive to better detect a stimulus. Once we understand this it makes complete sense why pain can easily be triggered in some people especially if they have a history of pain or injury.

Essentially some peoples CNS’s get very good at being in pain! So pain is very easy to trigger and because it is easy to trigger people become both aware and wary of this. We see this with hyper vigilance and fear avoidance. Being able to find pain free movements with these people becomes of huge value far outweighing if it is the ‘right’ exercise performed in the ‘right’ way. If we can also make movement relevant to the person then the psychological value is going to be significant. Fear avoidance is in part is maintained by avoiding perceived pain situations and therefore not getting pain, the relevance of movement and the dosage of how we interact is paramount. Not addressing relevant movement may sustain the problem.

The whole idea of helping people move differently and with less pain is to maintain moving while not triggering or adding to their current pain state. Getting comfortable with an idea of the biochemistry being a factor as much as the biomechanics is a step in the right direction. We can in fact use different mechanics to drive different chemical reactions.

Movement is good!

Movement also promotes basic fluid dynamics that can take away the nasty stuff and bring in good stuff so not moving is generally not the answer. Movement is also analgesic *HERE* An increase in corticomotor output promoting descending inhibition and an increase in endogenous opioid production have both been discussed as potential mechanisms. The more inhibitory chemicals we have floating around the spinal cord the less sensitive it is likely to be, this includes chemicals such as GABA and endogenous opioids. This top down inhibition can influence what’s happening physiologically within the tissues and even simply having positive associations with movement may have an inhibitory effect on pain.

Stiff tight muscles and complete off loading may only add to the problem. We have acid sensing Ion channels (ASICs) and TRVP1 channels in our receptors that both sense decreased PH caused by ischemic tissue states arising from prolonged positions or postures and this may add to increased local sensitivity. Using our bodies as normally as possibly will also reduce deconditioning and maintain movement ranges and tolerances.


It is not just the CNS that can become sensitized. The peripheral neurons can also become more sensitive by manufacturing more Ion channels up in the cell body and then popping them down to the terminal ending in the tissue. This increase in Ion channels makes it easier for more positively charged stuff outside the cell to get into the cell to depolarize it and then send a signal up towards the CNS. These could be mechanically sensitive to stretch or ligand chemical receptors. Ligand receptors have chemical receptors built into the ion channels that open in the presence of specific chemicals such as are present in inflammation.

When the afferent sensory C fibres fire their orthodromic (towards CNS) message off to the dorsal horn they can also causes an antidromic (towards the periphery) impulse back towards the terminal ending and associated tissues, this called neurogenic inflammation. This stimulates the release of neuropeptides including substance P and CGRP that further irritate the local area causing things such as mast cells to degranulate releasing histamine and serotonin creating a pro inflammatory and nociceptor sensitizing soup. In between the orthodromic firing somehow the cell can also manage to send a barrage the other way as well. What a busy bunch of neurons! We can have central to peripheral activity from the dorsal horn as well through the dorsal root reflex.

This process will be certainly be influenced by people’s individual nervous systems, physiological responses and previous pain experiences that may have altered their physiological responses.

So essentially a mechanical force could create an noxious afferent signal towards the CNS also triggering a local inflammatory response further sensitizing the chemically sensitive receptors or receptors that are affected by both chemical and mechanical stimulus thus making them even more sensitive to movement. A loop hopefully broken by finding some pain free movement.

This is all getting quite complicated by hopefully should give us an idea that getting people moving and simply moving differently to the way they are right now rather than any ‘right’ way will probably help out with all the pain biochemistry going on in their tissues or the changes that can occur further up at the dorsal horn by stimulating different tissues and receptors. We can desensitise by not further sensitising through repetitive receptor stimulation as well as also stimulating the descending good stuff!

Non nociceptive mechanisms

Hypotheses are now emerging that look at the association of non-nociceptive information and pain. I have previously discussed the concept of pain memories in more detail *HERE*

With this line of thinking we have the association of two encoded stimuli, one being pain and the other specific proprioceptive information generated via a specific movement. Over time they may have become coupled in a neural pattern and the proprioceptive information can become a stimulus for a conditioned pain response. No actual noxious stimulus is now needed to elicit a pain response. This makes a lot of sense with reagrds to conditioned fear and apprehension behaviours present in lots of persistent pain sufferers that have experienced pain that far outlasts weighs tissue healing times. These ideas are certainly not new in the world of emotional research where they look at conditions such as fear conditioning.

neural pattern

Moseley and Vlaeyen *HERE* have put forward the ‘imprecision hypothesis’ that discusses how pain can be generated by a wide array of movements and activities. These neural associations between movement and pain can become pretty generalised rather than specific and precise. This means that a stimulus in a similar kind of ball park or of a similar type might start to trigger the conditioned pain response. This can be problematic as multiple loosely associated stimuli can now cause pain. This increased protective buffer probably serves a good adaptive purpose at some point in a more acute stage but less so later down the line when it transitions to being maladaptive.

So here we would hope different movement causes a different proprioceptive input to the CNS that is not coupled with pain and therefore generates a different output response namely no pain!

Although modifying how someone feels is great we cannot forget that pain alters movement as well as tissue sensitivity even after the pain subsides. Both may add to reoccurrence and possibly why the best predictor of future injury is previous injury. Protective movement behaviours should also be dealt with during any rehab process. Not rights and wrongs but instead a variety of movement options and skills should be introduced so the system can adapt by being able to have more variable resources.

Thanks to Butler, Gifford and Shacklock for providing the good science!


Movement variability has definitely been receiving a bit more attention over the past year or so and coming into more and more discussions about movement. Anyone who has kept an eye on this blog will see it has been mentioned regularly over the past few years. If we explore the research into this area we see it has been a focus in academic circles for a great deal longer although it is filtering down at a glacial rate to training and rehab programs.

Hopefully we are starting to shift our understanding of the human body away from the mechanical and towards more of a biological perspective. This may help us to understand why changes in someone’s posture and ‘imbalances’ in general within the body don’t actually matter quite as much as they would in a purely mechanical system. The tolerances of the human biological system are probably much greater than we give them credit for.


Rage against the machine

Within the paradigm of a mechanical system, seemingly the predominant model taught today, the operation of the body is viewed as a precision machine. If one part of a machine breaks or operates outside of the precise narrow parameters set for it then it spells disaster for the machine as a whole. We often blame deviation from poorly defined ideals and ideal relationships within the body for various injuries and diseases when often they do not have clear correlations.

Pain and its relation to posture would be a perfect example of this, as would concepts such as ‘overpronation’ and muscle firing patterns and timings. Movement is just the same, there are not many ‘right’ ways to move that have been objectively defined and can therefore be blamed, instead we have wide parameters of what we can consider ‘normal’.

Humans are simply not like machines, they have a wide variety of ways in which they operate as well as different tolerances, adaptation and rates of adaptation. Metal will have a finite point at which it breaks whereas the body as a biological organism can adapt and increase its tolerances. Wolff’s law is a perfect example of this, as is going to the gym! Sometimes we can exceed these tolerances though as well as asking too much of our adaptive mechanisms.

Variations within movement have been traditionally viewed as ‘error’. These ‘errors’ are seen as redundant, no longer needed, and in the traditional model of motor control through practice this error is hopefully eliminated. A quite different view is now being put forward with the concept of motor ‘abundance’, the redundant elements now being seen instead as positive aspects of physical capacity to be utilised and indeed vital for movement.  This paper “The bliss (not the problem) of motor abundance (not redundancy)” from Latash *Click Here* outlines this new view superbly.

When we are taught exercises we are shown the ‘right’ technique that has been designed to target a muscle based on the fixed ‘correct’ way a muscle contracts based on its static anatomy. The exercise is designed to be repeated, rigid and invariant for a specific outcome. A specific unvarying overload is the aim with the outcome of making something bigger and/or stronger. If movement is variable then so must muscle function be to! This basic reality is left out when we are taught about anatomy and movement, perhaps it is too complex for the mechanical model!

Bernstein’s original studies in the 1930’s into Blacksmiths striking a chisel with a hammer found experienced task-based workers to display “repetition without repetition”, the striking and hammer trajectory displayed low variability vital to a stable repeatable performance. The end point of the skill was the same but the joint angles and segmental variability was high.


This segmental variability is called the coordinative variability *Click Here* This is vital to an ability to maintain performance and not break down due to the specific overload a repeated performance of a skill may incur. This would be very relevant to running for example and decreased variability and patellofemoral pain is discussed *Click Here*
The runners in the PFP group displayed tighter coupling (less variability) between segments whereas a looser coupling was the norm in the healthy group.

Seay et al *Click Here* found differences in variability between groups who had suffered on going LBP, single bouts of LBP and those who had never suffered LBP. The differences in variability between those injured, recovered from an injury versus those never injured may gives us valuable insights into elements that may need to be focused on in rehabilitation.

We will discuss this in greater detail later.

Their conclusion was:

“Taken together, the data lend insight into increased injury risk and performance deficits associated with even one bout of low back pain, and suggest that clinicians need to look beyond the resolution of pain when prescribing rehabilitation for low back pain”

Movement variability is inherent within a biological system. Not only is it inherent it is also beneficial for reducing risk of overload and enabling the ability to adapt to events that occur within our ever-changing environment. Elite athletes cannot reproduce exact and invariant movement patterns repetitively even through hours of devoted practice. The best movers are those that can execute the same stable end point skill but in many variable ways dependant on the constraints and context of performance. It could be that part of being resilient and robust lies in variability. The ability to tolerate load may come in part in the way in which it is internally processed through our coordinative variability.

Movement is often studied and the data homogenised to reflect a measure of the group being studied. We should also look at the inter (between) people and intra (task to task variation) information as well to better understand the wide ranges of movement variability that exists and what this may tell us rather than this vital data being swallowed up *Click Here*

Here is an example of 5 single leg squats collected by me from the same person using wearable motion sensor tech. Each one is subtly different for the measures taken.

Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 08.54.30

As a little self driven experiment try signing your name repetitively 10 times in the same place. How many of them are exactly the same? They will be similar around the same general outline but never exact and this will be a movement you have practised thousands of times.

Vital for rehab

So why does all this matter to rehab?

Simply put pain changes movement.

Lets start by looking at pains affect on movement variability where we find a significant relationship. Any rehabilitation program should look at the effect of pain on the subsequent function of the individual. Targeting deficits in functionality that are highlighted by research should be regarded as ‘best practice’ during rehabilitation.

Adaptations to movement during a pain state can often be beneficial; a limp is a great example of that decreasing the load to the injured tissue through changing movement patterns. These changes may not be only in a specific pattern of avoidance but also the speed, range and variability of movement. The system can create ‘protection’ through increasing mechanical stiffness and decreasing the variability of movement the injured area and associated areas go through.

Here is a new paper from Hodges outlining some of these changes in more detail *Click Here*

Here is one of my favourite quotes

"Adaptation to pain has many short term benefits but with potential long term consequences" P Hodges - Moving differently in pain 2011

The problems come when the short-term benefit is no longer beneficial. This can be described as maladaptive. The goal of protection is no longer necessary but no one has come along and told the system that quite yet!
Long term consequence of movement maladaptation at a tissue level can be increased load to certain tissues and deconditioning in tissues being used less thus increasing risk of overload, especially if this strategy now becomes invariant.

On a cognitive level we may start to see factors such as fear avoidance behaviors reduce the variability of someone’s movement. A top down (cognitive) based approach may also be useful for helping people to become more variable again. A combined top down and bottom up (physical movement) is a promising way to address two elements that are implicated in a successful rehabilitation.

Zusman here outlines an excellent process *Click Here*. Creating new, different, and novel memories to be used would be an aim of rehab using this combined process. Nijs et al also outline a similar process here *Click Here*

An invariant strategy may also lead to repetitive proprioceptive information that has become coupled with pain and specific movements at a neural (neurotag) level reinforcing the pain experienced and maintenance of that pain. I discuss the concept of ‘pain memories’ here. *Click Here*

Moseley and Hodges discovered that movement variability was linked to cognitive factors. They found that for those that experienced a decrease in postural variability after experimental pain that normal resolution of their original postural strategy did not occur and was also linked to their cognitive beliefs about back pain.

This may affect both continuation and reoccurrence of back pain and was discussed in the article as a potential risk factor for the development of chronic LBP. *Click Here* We also see this from Jacobs et al *Click Here*

Decreases in movement variability are associated with chronic pain consistently in the literature and I will explore some more of it below. Acute pain is associated with an increase in movement variability. This is theorized to be due to the motor system trying to find non-painful movement variations. If someone does not have a system capable of varying its movement then finding alternative strategies may be problematic and thus possibly lead to chronicity.

As a potential predisposing factor for chronicity of an injury we must both see it as a key rehabilitation component for chronic injury and also a prophylactic measure to help prevent the transition to chronicity. Certainly it may give us some insight into why previous injury has an effect on future analogous injury.

Debra Falla’s group *Click Here* took nineteen CLBP sufferers and matched them against age and gender controls during a repetitive box lifting task. The CLBP group displayed altered movement including reduced movement from the spine hypothesized to be due to increased stiffening of the spinal region. Another measure they took was EMG activity of different portions of the lumbar erector spinae. They found that the CLBP group performed the task using the same portion of the muscle. In contrast the control group activated different regions of the muscle at different times during the task. The non-varying strategy of the CLBP group was associated with increased pressure pain sensitivity of the lumbar area. They theorized that

“Reduced variability of muscle activity may have important implications for the provocation and recurrence of LBP”

This paper *Click Here* looked at the running kinematics of twelve individuals with a chronic Achilles tendon injury vs twelve matched uninjured control subjects. They found the entire Achilles injury group displayed a “distinctive and consistent pattern of loading” whereas the control displayed a markedly different pattern of variation with increased levels, in essence a higher degree of variability.

This study *Click Here* looked at female runners who had had a previous tibial stress fracture and they were compared with mileage matched uninjured female runners. They then looked at their inter limb variability (coordinative variability). The previously injured runners displayed decreased hip-knee and knee-ankle (the largest effect) variability in the injured limb compared to the uninjured limb. The controls displayed no difference between limbs.

Decreased variability could be potentially be both a cause and effect of pain. Stergiou in his paper "Human movement variability, nonlinear dynamics, and pathology: Is there a connection?" explores this question.
Decreased variability as a causative factor in the absence of a previous event certainly needs exploration through future prospective studies. This paper *Click Here* looks at movement variability in stereotypical occupational activities and the risk that reduced variation may pose.

To be variable we probably need well functioning and reasonably accurate basic movement hardware such as the proprioceptive system and cortical areas associated with movement. It is well documented that these are both affected by pain. We then need to couple this with a memory bank of movement experiences and skills that form what I term a basic ‘movement vocabulary’ that allow us to be variable and adaptable to different situations and variable stimulus. These basic movement skills are also often missing after injury especially in those with a chronic injury or pain.

As I have gone on for quite a while here I will expand on a few of the aspects discussed here in a second part to this. I would like to go into more detail on the neural aspects involved in variable movement as well as expanding on end point and coordinative variability. I will also address some basic ways of increasing variability in a simple, easily applicable and practical way.

I thought I would share with you six of the key texts we use on our courses to underpin our view of movement & pain across the fields of biology, physiology, psychology, neuroscience and biomechanics that human beings span!

Reconceptualising pain according to modern pain science - L Moseley

A pain science classic! Changing the view of pain from the structural biomechanical model to the modern understanding.

Moving differently in pain - P Hodges, K Tucker

Exploring new theories of how pain affects movement in both the short and long term. Appreciating that this is not stereotypical and highly individual.

Exercise therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain: Innovation by altering pain memories - J Nijs et al

This paper explores acquired 'pain memories' that persist long after pain may have subsided. A combined approach using pain neuroscience education and exercise is discussed to target affected brain areas.

The Pathophysiology of Patellofemoral Pain: A Tissue Homeostasis Perspective - S Dye

Exploring a biological cause of nociception through overload and loss of 'tissue homeostasis'

Being able to adapt to variable stimuli: the key driver in injury and illness prevention? Glasgow et al.

Understanding the adaptability and variability of humans and their movement rather than conforming to an 'ideal' and deviation from said 'ideal' being the cause of illness and injury.

The Enduring Impact of What Clinicians Say to People With Low Back Pain - Darlow et al

Often under appreciated is the significant impact of what people are told about their pain and the subsequent negative beliefs they can form based on this.



For some reason I keep receiving emails extoling the virtues of ‘corrective exercise’. Whenever I hear the term ‘corrective exercise’ the question that always pops into my head is “what the hell are we correcting?” especially as ‘corrective’ exercise is often touted as alleviating or eliminating pain and preventing injury.

Over the past few years delving into the research on movement, posture, pain, muscle firing etc. one thing that is consistent is that there are not too many well defined ‘corrects’ that we can use to ‘correct’ to.

Surely to confidently embark on what you feel is a ‘corrective’ strategy you would have to have objective evidence of a ‘correct’ and evidence that deviation from this ‘correct’ is the cause of whatever you are trying to cure or prevent? Perhaps I am being over analytical here!?

One of the underpinning concepts it would seem in the field of ‘corrective exercise’ is that we need to have ‘good’ posture and ‘balanced’ muscles. One thing I rarely see adequately explained is how these postures or imbalances actually lead to acute or chronic pain and the mechanisms involved. This fear mongering is heavy on the melodrama and light on evidence.

Where does this magical blueprint come from? I am unaware of an agreed upon definition of ‘good posture’ that we can objectively use to then define ‘bad’ and then ‘correct’ to. We seem easily seduced by complex anatomical theories about ‘correcting’ and ‘neutral’ that often are not really supported by the available evidence. perhaps we should apply this scrutiny to many of the ideas that propose deviation from a 'correct' as the cause of pain?

Even before we look at any of the evidence we should really have a look at the basic scientific plausibility of the idea.

Basic science

Part of the process of pain originating from a specific tissue, such as a muscle, occurs by the stimulation of nociceptors contained within the tissue. Nociceptors are receptors that sense noxious stimulus or more plainly put danger! They encode this stimulus and then relay this message to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain then decides if this information it is receiving is sufficient to then become the experience or output of pain. We have to appreciate that this information from the tissue may not be enough on its own to be translated into the perception of pain.

Some nociceptors can be polymodal meaning they sense mechanical, chemical and thermal stimulus that could cause a threat to the tissue, others just sense a single stimulus and some are quick at sending information and others slow.

Now nociceptors are set to have a high threshold meaning that the stimulus required to make them send a signal back to the brain needs to be pretty high. This makes perfect sense because if the nociceptors had a low threshold to a stimulus then they would be popping off all the time and life would become a pretty painful experience.

These sensitivity levels can alter and we may see this with people in persistent pain and also when the state of the tissue changes such as during periods of inflammation and the resultant chemical cascade that occurs.

If we think about people with a normal tissue state then ‘poor’ postural ‘deviations’ will provide a mechanical stimulus to the tissue that is actually very low, much more of a position rather than a motion. The likelihood is that the mechanical stimulus would not reach the level required to activate the receptors designed to sense a high stimulus and then transduce this back to the brain.

Now it could be hypothesised that a prolonged low-level mechanical stimulus could create pain, the question is do we have the required research to suggest that a persistent low-level mechanical stimulus will activate a high threshold receptor?

Another theory is that poor posture over the long term leads to tissue damage that then causes nociception. Unfortunately this does not seem to hold water either. If wear and tear to our tissues was simply to blame for pain then we would not see many asymptomatic people with tissue damage…...but we do!

This study of spine imaging *Click Here* estimated the prevalence of disc degeneration was 52% for ASYMPTOMATIC 30 year olds rising to 80% for the 50 year olds. Wear and tear to our tissues is the same as getting grey hair, going bald or getting wrinkles it’s just less apparent as it’s not external. Your brain may not recognize this as a threat as it may not your grey hair.

How many people have what could be considered as ‘poor’ postures and never develop any pain? I bet you can think of quite a few people you know. Going back to the beginning of the piece you will remember that nociception from the tissue on its own is not enough for the perception of pain.


We are adaptable


Tissues are amazing at adapting to increased loads. In fact if you go to the gym that is exactly what you are asking your tissues to do, adapt to an increased load. These loads will be much higher and in more extreme joint ranges than your average bad posture.


The same maybe true of a muscle being ‘overworked’ and fatigued via a faulty posture as a source of pain. Surely over time a muscle would adapt to the level of endurance required to meet the demands of a task? A bit like training for a marathon! It has also been discussed that we have alternating recruitment of muscle fibres within muscles to avoid becoming so fatigued.

The human biological system has the ability to adapt and to self-repair. We have large tolerances and variations in both anatomy and function. The ‘corrective’ paradigm seems to assume an inherent fragility with the most minor deviations causing major problems.

We certainly seem to have a body of evidence that suggests people in persistent pain do not have very different postures from those that are not in pain.

Here we see cervical spine postures no different between people with and without neck pain *Click Here*

There was no difference here in this study of lumbar lordosis of those that had back pain and those that didn’t *Click Here*

I pulled together some of the evidence on posture and pain in this blog *Click Here*

Surely if posture, pain and tissue damage were closely correlated we would see this clearly and consistently reflected in the evidence base? We could then make a good case for a ‘corrective exercise’ program but unfortunately we don’t.

Another proposed cause of pain from poor posture is ongoing tissue stress and subsequent inflammation. Have we solid evidence that ‘poor’ posture leads to an inflammatory state of the tissue that could lead to pain? If you are reading this and have some then please send it to me.

Again surely if postural deviations created inflammation and a change in the chemical state of the tissue then we would see a more consistent correlation between people with ‘poor’ posture and pain?

Is the proposed prolonged low-level mechanical stimulus enough to trigger an inflammatory response? If we look at Dye’s excellent model of ‘tissue homeostasis’ *Click Here* then the stimulus would have to be large enough to exceed the zone of normal tolerable loading and enter the zone of supra-physiological loading disrupting the bodies normal physiological processes, I am unconvinced it would.

Postural positions adopted for extended periods certainly could negatively influence nerves through tension and compression of both the nerve itself and via forces applied to the nerve from prolonged muscular contraction.

This may affect the intra neural blood flow and nerves are especially sensitive to decreases in oxygen and resultant ischemia with associated low tissue PH (acidosis) that can occur from the reduced flow of blood. The sensitised nerve may then be triggered into sending danger signals by much more normal forces applied to the nerve rather than the usually higher forces required to trigger danger signals.

This could actually happen to ANY posture that we adopt for an extended period of time. That could be a hunched posture or what we maybe described as a ‘good’ posture. The major factor would be that the posture is unchanging not the actual position that we adopt. Rather than the postural position it would be a lack of MOVEMENT that is problematic.

This is why after we sit for a long time we often need to get up and move around. We feel stiff and irritable and in need of some basic pump and flow to our tissues to drive more of the good stuff and flush out the bad! Often we will get up move about for a bit and feel much better, it is just a basic warning system to move!

In this situation ANY movement might help without the need for it to be ‘correct’ or ‘correcting’

Muscle imbalances

One of the reasons I often hear blamed for poor posture is a ‘muscle imbalance’, one muscle being stronger than another around a joint pulling it out of the ‘correct’ position.

I imagine this like a bit of a tug of war!

tug of war

A question that pops into my mind, which I warn you can be a strange place, is that in a situation that requires a small percentage of contractile force would this difference in strength become apparent?

During the low-level isometric contractions employed in maintaining a posture it is estimated we use between 4-7% of MVC (maximal voluntary contraction). (The Ergonomics of working postures P142, Corlett E et al 1985)

Perhaps only above the threshold of the difference in strength would one muscle actually “win” the battle. At a lower level demand perhaps they simply balance each other out if it were in fact a tug of war. So would we be likely to see strength imbalance lead to postural changes when such low levels of MVC are required to maintain a posture?

Our posture is also influenced by a number of different systems such as the visual and vestibular systems not solely the strength or length of two opposing muscles (amongst many) around a joint. Perhaps just looking at two muscles is an overly simplistic view of posture.

We often look to ‘correct’ muscle firing patterns, especially with back pain, with no real evidence of how they should fire in the first place. Here we see two pieces of research that show abdominal muscle firing and function have little to do with getting better from back pain *Click Here* & *Click Here*. Perhaps altered muscle firing is a result of rather than a cause of back pain and therefore is not implicated in resolving the pain.

This paper challenges the idea that we have a ‘correct firing’ of the core muscles independent of functional activity *Click Here*

Here is a bit more on the core stability debate and a look at some of the evidence *Click Here*

Psychological impact

We must also think about the psychological impact here as well. How does telling someone they are ‘imbalanced’ and in need ‘correcting’ affect their sense of fragility? Could this translate into an interpretation of being ‘broken’?

Could we see the term as a nocebo? The nocebo is the opposite of a placebo, essentially it has the potential to make things worse not better especially if there is no problem to begin with and one is created.

The awareness of the importance of this side of our interaction with people is growing *Click Here* and even if we had credible evidence that people are in need of ‘correction’ it would probably be better to not dress it up as such.

It may also reinforce the role of the therapist or trainer as the person required to ‘fix’ their ‘posture’ or ‘muscle firing’. Both of which are quite possibly based more in the imagination rather than reality.



How often have you heard a therapist or trainer say to someone in pain “you need to strengthen XXX, go and do 3 x 10 of XXX exercise” as the panacea to the problem.

You can replace the ‘XXX’ with the core, knee, hip or other component of the anatomy that have been touted as the cause of pain. This can include the TvA, glute med, VMO or other ‘magic’ muscles and the associated 'therapy' exercises to get them going.


My personal issue, and I accept this may just be my issue here, is that I think the term ‘strengthening’ is bit vague, often ambiguous and many times not relevant to pain.

I want to start off this little piece by pointing out I am not saying strength does not matter, its just that we could do a little better with understanding the specifics.
Like most things to do with the body, strength comes in many variations that need to be applied to the individual and their situation.

This also does not mean that special ‘therapy’ exercises cannot have an effect on pain levels, we know pain can wax and wane according to multiple factors. A decrease in pain just may not be to do with an increase in strength or the fact someone was weak to begin with!

Does the ‘strengthening’ mindset also ever so slightly imply that pain is just simply to do with a ‘weak’ muscle or an associated biomechanical factor, something I am not so sure about given our improved modern understanding of the complexities of pain. After all strong people still do get pain like all the rest of us.

The real purpose of the piece however is just to consider the term strength and the concept of ‘strengthening’ a little more in the rehab process.

So what does ‘strengthening’ really mean?


There seems to be a couple of meanings for strength depending on who is using the term.

One definition is to “exert force against an external resistance” - being strong enough to move a weight for example. We generally quantify this simply by the weight of the load being moved.

This definition would be the traditionally recognised one in strength training circles.

It seems another definition used, perhaps more in a therapy sense, is to be able to "tolerate a force". So a runner may need strong muscles to be able to tolerate the repetitive ground reaction forces involved with running.

Straight away it would appear we have an ambiguity with such a commonly used term.

There do not seem to be many runners that do not have the basic strength to exert the  amount of force or the ability to tolerate the peak forces involved with running. It seems to be much more about the toleration to the repetition of that force and how frequently it is applied.

Similarly another example is that there probably are not many people, and that includes people with back pain, that don’t have the basic core strength to create adequate ‘spinal stability’ when they are not in the most acute stages of pain.

The first definition implies that we need to increase the amount of force we can generate. The second would be tolerating a specific level of force repetitively.

Congruence of what we mean by ‘strength’ and ‘strengthening’ and how we subsequently assess and rehab ‘strength’ must be fairly important right?

In an ideal world this reasoning would then translate into the exercises, loads and sets and reps thus creating (hopefully) a more applicable rehab plan with a better outcome.

So which one did they mean mean?


Frankly who knows! Personally I think of strength generally as the ability to generate force so when I hear the term ‘strengthening’ my first thought is how much force does someone need to be able to generate to not be in pain?

Some of the other questions that pop up are:

  • Are the activities that are causing problems outside of their current level of strength?
  • How much strength do these activities really require?
  • Is the ability to produce or tolerate force the issue?
  • What is a ‘healthy’ level of strength and does the individual achieve this?
  • Is it strength or skill/coordination?
  • Are strength deficits (if they are present) a cause or a result of pain?
  • Has a ‘strengthening’ program actually increased strength?

There is the very real possibility I am over thinking it though!

 Application to exercise

 Lets take a common hip strengthening exercise such as a ‘side lying hip abduction’ (quite a mouthful) a staple for a runner with knee pain.

side lying

Now if someone could only do say 5 or 6 then I would certainly say that this was a strength exercise for them. If they can easily bang out 15, which I have often seen, then I would suggest they have adequate strength and this exercise may not then improve their strength base.

The classic 3 X 10 seems to have become fairly ubiquitous and the 'de facto' rep range.
As I will discuss latter this does not mean that the exercise will not help, it just may not be because of an increase in strength.

Look at the majority of exercise guidelines/principles and we can see that this commonly prescribed rep range of 10-15 is associated more with hypertrophy and endurance rather than increasing strength. Strength is improved with a rep range of between 1-6. These of course are not absolutes and that does not mean no strengthening occurs over 6 and no hypertrophy under 6!

People also adapt pretty quickly to stimulus and progression is a key to any ‘strengthening’ program. If someone is already capable of doing multiple reps and sets then no change in the demand to produce force such as added load is unlikely to further ‘strengthen’. A further stimulus would be required to create an adaptation in strength.

How often do we obtain measures of strength pre and post exercise to see if we have actually given someone more strength and if this change in strength has affected pain levels?

This does not mean that strength training does not have a whole bunch of benefits such as increased tissue tolerances and stiffness of the tendons and muscles and even improved performance. Although the forces involved would have to be high enough to create this physiological adaptation.

3 X 10 of an exercise designed to isolate an individual muscle may be so far within someones capabilities that we don’t get the same physical adaptations as we would to a 2 x 6 reps of 70% of max squats for example.


It means that to actually 'strengthen' you need to correctly manipulate variables such as load and repetition to create an increase in strength not just do an exercise that is touted a ‘strengthening’

 Input vs strength

 So it maybe the process of ‘strengthening’ that could have many non-specific effects rather than simply an increase in strength being the therapeutic factor. It could be restoration of strength is a result of the affect of the therapeutic factor.

It seems collectively we are driven now more than ever to understand the why’s and how’s rather than it just ‘does’!

Is someone any stronger than they were to start with before they were in pain or has their existing strength just returned as the pain has subsided? Or it could even be that someone does actually get stronger but yet is still in pain.

Weakness does seem to accompany pain but once pain improves then strength also seems to improve as well. It could be easy to view the causative factor of pain as muscular weakness especially if linked to a biomechanical effect from that weakness such as increased hip adduction for Patellofemoral pain.

Equally though a critical thinker must also see the situation in reverse. That pain may have caused the decrease in strength.

Reducing strength when in pain makes some sense to me as the system wants to decrease the amount of force going through an area it feels protective towards. The same would be true of an ankle sprain and the motor adaptation of a limp.

Movement input can have an affect on pain for many reasons across the biopsychosocial spectrum. This could be the hypoalgesic effects of movement/exercise, decreasing fear avoidance, focused input, activation of a different neurotag, changing cortical maps & different kinematics or kinetics or even just plain old father time exerting his influence.

All of these elements may change the systems perception of the problem and ultimately the sensitivity level and the pain experienced.

 Here is a therapeutic movement 'input' idea for the lateral hip of a runner.


  • Movement variability
  • Multi planar
  • Muscular co-ordination
  • Control of ROM
  • Eccentric and concentric contraction
  • Added resistance for ‘strengthening’
  • Upright & closed chain

The idea is that this low level localised movement skill is then integrated into functional running movements such as lunges, hops and running!

 Strength is often measured maximally!

 Strength is often measured in research circles as MVIC (maximal voluntary isometric contraction). Does this baseline measure of the maximal or even subsequent increases in strength tell us anything about what someone can tolerate or control regarding force?

Maximal isometric strength does not seem to be significantly related prospectively to patella-femoral pain or illiotibial band syndrome for example. Biomechanical measures such as increased hip internal rotation and adduction appear to have a better, although still unclear, correlation.

Exercises may also be selected on the increased EMG activity of a specific muscle. Essentially all this tells us is the muscle works harder, a proxy for strength, within the specific constraints of the exercise.

EMG does not tell us if working the muscle harder is or will make a difference to someone’s movement or pain levels. It also does not tell us that the exercise is better than another exercise for the individuals problem.

 The many faces of strength

There are many sub categories of ‘strength’ that we can use to specifically suit the individual and their needs.

Max strength:

The most force a person can produce or withstand. A large load for 1-3 reps would affect this.

Strength endurance:

An ability to maintain a level of strength over an extended period of time, a sufficient load with an element of duration.

Reactive or explosive strength:

Switching from eccentric to a concentric contraction. This is something we see in most sports especially repetitive ones.

This would often be time dependent such as in running, throwing or hitting.

Strength speed or acceleration strength:

How quickly can force be generated, as we would see in changes in rate of force development. This is often about the A in F =MA rather than the M!


 In fact max strength probably only really becomes relevant in situations where you need to overcome an object that requires this maximal strength. So say your max squat for 1 rep is 100Kg then only when you squat 100Kg does this become a factor.

If I am a rugby player then this becomes very relevant, as the loads I am looking to overcome will be much larger and extremely close to someone’s maximal ability. Some of those big guys really do take some shifting.

For our runner it may be that maximal strength maybe less important than strength endurance or reactive strength endurance. There are lots of people who have a very high maximal strength but are not great runners and vice versa.

The runner would need the ability for the leg to tolerate the amount of force being driven through the leg that can be 3-4 timers body weight on impact. This is also coupled with the reactive strength of the lengthening and shortening as we go through the gait cycle. All this needs to be performed over thousands of cycles therefore a runner will also need to have a decent level of endurance for this.

It is a good thing it is easier to tolerate a repetitive force of 3-4 times body weight rather than to generate it!

Someone with lower back pain may need the ability to tolerate more strength repetition (strength endurance) or position (positional endurance), think of the person who’s back is irritated by spending all day gardening.

Equally someone’s back may ‘go’ when they need to pick up heavy stuff such as the suitcase for their yearly holiday. This may mean they do need to work more on increasing their actual level of maximal strength.

It would appear that ACLR and Achilles tendonopathy patients recover their maximal strength much quicker than their explosive strength (rate of force development) Equally explosive and reactive strength work my irritate an Achilles tendonopathy too early in the rehab process.

In my opinion a simple exploration of the term strength and application to the current state of the individual throws up some useful pointers for how to make more relevant rehab programs.

 Can strength just be coordination?

 Strength can also be the ability to successfully coordinate muscle activity in a specific way. Someones muscles may be strong individually if you were to test the muscles or even perform exercises specific to a muscles as many 'therapy' exercises do. When you get them running however they do not have the ability to coordinate that strength to reduce the medial movement of the knee that you may feel is causing them trouble for example.

Muscle strengthening separate from a specific movement is in no way guaranteed to transfer to the movement or change the kinematics of the movement. As we discussed earlier in the piece however the process of ‘strengthening’ regardless of increases in strength may have an affect on pain.

People can make huge strength gains in a short amount of time when they first start with functions such as Olympic weightlifting. This in part will be to do with coordinating their existing strength into the muscular coordination of a specific skill.

Both gait retraining and ACL prevention and rehab have looked much more at skill and coordination of specific movements than simply increasing strength.


In fact hip strengthening has been shown to have questionable transfer to the actual kinematics of running.

Gait re-education may be successful for both pain and movement changes because of the specificity of the skill. This being the motor pattern and inter muscular coordination of timing, specificity of contraction type, velocity and forces involved with the actual skill of running.

There are many ways in which we can be specific with 'strengthening' and even rehab training overall.

  • Contraction type
  • Movement pattern
  • Velocity of movement
  • Range of movement
  • Force of contraction both eccentric and concentric
  • Endurance level

Nordic hamstring work also seems to be fairly successful and that may in part be due to with the specificity of type (eccentric), force level and velocity of contraction.

Rather than just saying ‘you need to strengthen XXX’ as a panacea, instead being armed with a better understanding of strength and when it maybe relevant surely we can develop more individually focused and hopefully more successful outcomes.

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With so much debate about the FMS this past week someone as opinionated as myself, I write a blog for gods sake, can’t help but wade in with my two penneth worth!

I wrote a long time ago about movement screens here.

Perhaps rather than talking about what a screen isn’t and doesn’t do we should have a look at what we should be screening for? This is not about critiquing anything instead presenting an alternative view.

A screen should be quick to implement and give us some idea of physical capacity in specific areas. We often ask too much of screens, they may tell us something is wrong, sometimes the ‘ideal’ is flawed however, but perhaps not exactly what it is or how to rectify it and nor should they do that. Instead they should lead us to something to assess in more detail. Perhaps something a little like this.

Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at 13.42.47

A low score on a screen may lead us deeper into the assessment process that would involve more detailed assessment and the increasing use of video or sensor technology.

Should we screen movements?


Getting to the point of the piece perhaps the answer is a nice and clear…. sort of!

In my personal opinion physical qualities are probably more important than individual movements. There are a number of qualities that we may need to possess to be able to operate at a high level of capacity and possibly, perhaps a big possibly, reduce the risk of injury and I will discuss those later.

The problem with ‘picking’ a bunch of movements to perform correctly is that no movement is ever going to be right for everybody or rarely even performed in the same way twice.


Watch a video of any game of sport and analysis the wide variation of squats and lunges performed, sometimes at medium ranges sometimes at end range, sometimes quickly and sometimes less so. They will happen at multiple angles and with different weight distributions.

So what am I really screening for with one very strict and contrived version of a movement generally performed in a controlled gym environment? Precisely your ability to perform that movement in that way!

I personally want to screen for what happens on the pitch not for the weights room, unless of course that is the major environment the person is operating in.

Essentially any movement is a screen provided you have some criteria to look for but that may prove too much to bite off for many so there will always be a need for someone to bring together something more formal.

Everytime you teach some an exercise in essence you are screening as based on their grasp of your instructions you would then choose an appropriate load. Bingo... a screen!

If you do a good job then you might just pick a bigger weight. We have to be careful not to make assumptions however as load and speed have an effect on the performance of movement as we see *Here* and why adding load would also be a screen in itself!

In my opinion the bio motor abilities that best reflect both risk and capacity for dynamic activity are:

  • Change of direction
  • Single leg Landing/deceleration
  • Transfer of Centre of mass and its deceleration
  • Single leg balance control across 3 planes
  • Single leg power output

All of these qualities have data that links them to injury, qualities that are affected after injury or are required for movement capacity. After all previous injury is the biggest indicator of future injury.

By screening physical deficits can we reduce future occurrence or re occurrence? We certainly see that this is possible with neuromuscular training for knee control in landing with ACL injury in female soccer as an example.

We now need to wrap up each of those qualities into a neat little package to be assessed. That could be through movements such as hopping, landing & lunging that provide appropriate levels of force to challenge the bio motor skill being assessed.

We also need to be able to see how these movements are performed in different contexts such as with increased fatigue, speed, load or more unusual positions.

Another question to ask is do low load and strictly performed movements tell me very much about whether you are at any risk of injury in a game and we need to delve deeper into an assessment process?

Screen case study


Rather than just movements can we start to take the information we have and use it to develop or adjust screens. We could then have a collection of these screens that reflect physical qualities as a screening battery.

ACL injuries are pretty nasty and may put my star player out for the best part of year it is worth having some sort of screen that gives me some information about how they deal with scenarios that might provide risk to the ACL.

There has been tons of research into this area so it should be easy to tease out some criteria that we could use.

So what do we know about ACL injuries. (Here is something previous on ACL’s)

  • They happen on a single leg
  • They happen at higher speeds/forces
  • They happen with force acting on the knee in all 3 planes
  • Generally landing or cutting/change of direction

I now have some criteria to base a movement on to start to screen for the risk of ACL injury. The screen has to be quick and easy to implement and hopefully without too much complicated instruction or equipment required, that can come later in a full-blown assessment if required.

  • We would want the majority of weight distribution to be on a single leg so that’s easy to start with. So this would fall into the bio motor category of single leg control.
  • We would also like to see how well you control the directions of force acting on the knee that reflect those occurring during an ACL injury event. After all not many people blow their knee just going up out and down or in a straight line. Therefore we would incorporate movement/kinematics that generate these forces.
  • A basic single leg vertical squat pattern is not going to give me the top down motion of the femur on the fixed tibia that we often see during plant and cut or landing motions that lead to ACL injuries. Rigidity is not our friend here, instead how do you control the range you inevitably will go through.
  • We would want to be able to see what my player is capable of doing at both lower and higher speeds, is there a big difference in the control and quality observed at the different speeds? Also fatigue as injuries in sport often happen towards the end of each half.

Essentially we end up with a single leg assessment adjusted to provide different top down forces acting on the knee via movement of the pelvis such as we see during sports related movement.

More often I think we are looking for people to exhibit stiffness and rigidity defined as ‘control’ than going through a kinematic range in a controlled manor that would effectively decelerate forces acting on the knee.

What could we look for?

  • Position of knee relative to pelvis (no further than slightly medial to big toe)
  • Hip dominant strategy and shallow knee bend – Load spread across joints of lower limb
  • Sharp uncontrolled deviations of knee laterally or medially
  • Excessive rigidity of leg/knee
  • Excessive variability of lower leg movement strategy
  • Trunk position

The amount of control of knee valgus required changes significantly when the direction of movement changes. This video here is of an ACLR 5 years post operation and the distinct lack of control (sharp medial deviation) when controlling a single leg squat including a rotational force component.

My personal experiences recently with motion sensors have lead me to appreciate that we can have higher ranges but accompanied by lower speeds (measured in metres per second) with knee valgus and this may go some way to explaining why some can have large knee motions but do not get injured as the kinematics may be large but the kinetics are less.

So controlling the rate of the movement may be paramount rather than assessing the ability to simply keep the knee in a straight line and never deviate something completely non reflective of the reality of sports movement.

How much knee bend we have concurrently occurring may also be another factor as a shallow angle of knee flexion, less than 20° has been linked with the mechanism of injury for ACL’s. Anecdotal evidence of screening previously injured knees I often see hip dominant strategies and limited a tibial flexion angle.



How may I want to score the screen? Here's the realy tricky part!

Both quality and quantity may need to be reflected in any scoring system. Often we look at one or the other and individually they maybe limited in their ability to accurately indicate capacity or risk.

Quantity maybe great to have but without much control of the available range we may see the capacity for movement become part of the problem when faced with controlling high force environments.

A sole quality score often takes us back to the dark days of rigid control with quality traditionally being defined as an ability to remain neutral and aligned which are criteria that may not reflect dynamic movement.

Here we may have two ends of the spectrum that we can observe as problematic.

  • High quantity with low quality (control) equals a noisy (highly variability) unpredictable movement where forces may go unchecked.
  • High control with low quantity (low variability) may mean that we do not have the required capacity.

I have been spending a fair amount of time on this subject recently and hopefully will be able to present something soon.