
I have read a few blogs recently on fascia. All of them giving a different perspective on what is a very prevalent topic at the moment.

One was based around the significance of fascial contraction and the biomechanical influence it could exert on the body. This made me think of the a pair of articles and an audio presentation I wrote for PTontheNet. In these articles I posed the question "how would fascia contract".

As far as I am aware fascia seems to mainly afferent, sending information to the CNS, rather than being able to efferently regulate tension through the feedback loop of muscle spindles and motor units. So if fascia does actively contract then why and is an active biomechanical influence helpful??

Chemical contraction has been noted in vitro (out of the body) in rat fascia (schliep 2006). These changes in response to chemical factors were in this case due to calcium chloride, calcium being involved in both skeletal and smooth muscle contraction although in different ways.

I think the link between the biochemical and biomechanical is an important one. Stress creates significant biochemical changes in the body. Hormones associated with stress such as cortisol are also involved in energy regulation. The body in response to long term stressors and increased energy expenditure may choose to decrease movement to conserve energy. This could be looked at as another way of interpreting the law of energy conservation on a metabolic level!!

One way of decreasing movement could be to increase the stiffness of the body. Fascia in its various forms being ubiquitous in the body could certainly play a role in this longer term stiffness regulation that would require less instantaneous neurological control than involved in active muscle contraction.

Now this maybe good for the body on one level (energy), maybe not so good on another (movement). So the biomechanical impact of stiffness regulation for fascia may be detrimental for our movement, especially if it becomes a learned response of the body and becomes the 'default' tension even when under less stress as I believe can happen.

Some may argue that increased compression through contraction of fascia at the lumbar spine is helpful. However this may not be the case if the movement at our hips is also reduced. The ball and socket joint of the hip is designed to have a large movement potential especially in the transverse plane. If this motion is reduced, through fascial stiffness, more motion may have to come from the lumbar area to achieve function related movement. Lumbar rotation is limited (by facet orientation) to 5 degrees collectively  in all the 5 vertebrae!!

This could be a recipe for increased articular surface compression if the superior segment rotation (driven by top down movement) is not in close sequence with inferior segment rotation. If both rotate similar amounts then less compression. If one is blocked then this will increase compressive force between the two segments. If we put our hands one in front of the other and rotate them together we feel less compression. Try moving one and keeping the other still, this will increase compression.  If the pelvis is not able to rotate on the femur then the inferior lumbar segment closest to the hip will be blocked. This will lead to increased compressive forces and possibly also to pain!

It does however give an insight into why some people have chronic movement dysfunctions that cannot be treated by biomechanical intervention alone without looking at biochemical, nutritional or emotional factors.

I also think we overlook the passive role that fascial stiffness plays in the body. Is passive resistance to movement as important as active contraction?? I personally think so. Our passive stiffness controls the range, speed and energy consumption of our movement. This seems to be overlooked in a similar way to eccentric muscle contraction controlling our movement by decelerating our momentum and controlling forces.

The differing types of collagen contained in different fascia may give slightly different interactions with energy. Some stiffer varieties maybe able to store and return energy whilst others may exert their stiff properties before plastically deforming and having their shape reset by muscle force.

This model would be quicker and more energy efficient than active contraction, neurological or chemical. The force of the movement (hopefully) dictating the correct response of the tissue.

As always this is merely my simple opinion on a complex clinical subject. I have also tried to give a perspective using a functional movement context.


Its been a while since I last wrote so I thought I better had! Today's blog is about dynamic stretching.

To stretch or not to stretch, dynamic or static, these are all questions posed in the fitness industry. Another question is does stretching reduce injury?? This is not a question that I want to get into but instead look at stretching as improving our exercise experience and performance. For me, if we want to increase movement we do this by, increasing movement.

First of all I think we see stretching as a mechanical experience that increase tissue length. To some degree this is true. However I also see dynamic stretching as a neurological experience that increases information flow around the body. So many of the bodies receptors that live in the skin, fascia, joint capsules and muscles respond to change. This would be change in angle, length, tension, pressure and vibration to name a few. Dynamic movement creates constant change, a static change of position only creates one change!

By increasing the movement sphere and therefore information sphere we increase the potential for more movement. As movement increases, so does the ability to increase the range or sphere. A good friend of mine coined the phrase "movement begets movement" I think this is pretty good way of summing this up! So by remaining static we will not increase this sphere or give the body the potential to increase the sphere.

If we look at the information mechanisms in the body and were to look solely at muscles for this information the muscle spindles would be a great place to start. The spindles have two types of Efferent (info towards the brain). One is based on tissue length and one is based on the rate of change of this length. These intrafusal fibres are vital for the feedback loop, through the gamma and alpha motor neurons, that then regulates the stiffness (resistance to lengthening) of the extrafusal muscle fibres and hence successful movement.

By statically lengthening the muscles we are only giving half of the picture. Movement requires both length and rate of change of length information to be successful. Imagine having the GPS system of your car only relay half the information, and the bit omitted was the speed you were traveling at. I think you would be missing a lot of turns!!!

We also tend to only stretch along the fibre direction or longitudinal axis of the muscle. If we look at the mechanical nature of the spindles then this would lengthen and put the spindles under tension but also imagine that when under longitudinal tension adding in perpendicular and rotational tension. This would affect the information flow also. This demonstrates from a muscular perspective why three dimensionality and movement are pretty vital to the stretching or movement enhancing process. Especially as functional movement uses all three planes!

Also we must see stretching as an integrated procedure. In an integrated system such as the body the range of one joint maybe inhibited by the range available to another. If we stretch the joints separate of their function specific chain we may get a different ranges to if they are integrated. In fact a smaller individual range but a larger integrated movement may be the best desired outcome for some joints to avoid tissue stress.

Many factors may also affect the flexibility of the body. These could be stress, diet, disease and eyesight to name a few. If we can understand the feed forward  mechanism of the gamma motor neuron upregulating the stiffness of the spindles and therefore the alpha motor neuron changing the stiffness of muscle fibres, it is easier to see why the above stressors of the system can have such a huge impact on flexibility and therefore the biomechanics of the body!!

I have never understood how remaining still will help us move!!!