
In the first part of this 3 part series we looked at patterns and how the brain recognizes patterns of information to then be able to recall or auto-associate a response from stored memory.
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The brain and its role in movement and pain is taking a much larger role in what we do at Cor-kinetic. Rather than just seeing the body as feeding back to the brain on a mechanical level we are starting to understand the brains active role in everything we do.
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So I have seen various variations on Gary Gray’s view that muscles are reactors. I think this is spot on. Muscles ARE reactors.

I think what Gary meant by this was that generally we see muscles as concentric force producers. Actually during movement we tend to need to decelerate motion by eccentric contraction first. Think walking first we flex to attenuate gravity, ground reaction forces, mass and momentum before creating force to move. So we are reacting to forces acting on the body before we create concentric force.
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What a great question. Firstly I am not really sure that there is a definitive answer so let me say sorry in advance.  The word functional seems to mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people so lets look at the Cor-Kinetic interpretation.
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Now this post equally could have been hip pain, knee pain or foot pain when running. The available motion in the big toe or hallux will affect the operation of all of these body structures during integrated movement.
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Things have been really busy with Cor-kinetic recently and I have not had a lot of time to blog. This post stems from a case I have been dealing with recently and I wanted to give an idea of our thought process at Cor-kinetic and how the symptom and cause of a problem are not always one and the same.

The patient in this case has been having Achilles problems on the left side and also lateral foot pain on the same foot. Interestingly the pain reduced the quicker he ran but more about that later.
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